
Thanksgiving Pics - finally

Finally: woe - the three days leading up to Thanksgiving was busy for me. My current obsession with the whole "Socialization" ideas got stuck on the back burner and I forgot on Wed. to take home my powercord for my laptop and my PDA sync got lost and I . . . well, I'm back!

Laura worked on Turkey day so I got to read, try a new way preparing "yams to die for" and the 2007 "better dressing" idea I had (Laura gave me rave reviews). We had one of our House Church leaders over and our dinner began (with great and glorious gusto at 9:oo PM). It's a very good thing I spent two hours in the gym; ate apples, and smiled a lot before eating at such a Roman hour. All was good. Brett Favre was inspiring, my boys are SO much fun to hang out with and we ended our Friday with a fun movie; a huge "Native Leg-wrestling" contest and a marathon of the game Twister (I wisely stuck to supervising, coaching, and cheering on the glistening gladiators).

Here are the pics. from serving the homeless last Sat. - enjoy:

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