
New shoes, Three word prayers, & a cool Acoustic Show

NONE OF MY three faithful readers bugged me about posting my famous "three word prayers!" Come on guys, your letting me down :)

My favorite 3-word prayer is, "I am Yours!" I breathe this out in the a.m. and often throughout the day; why? It's the bases of great friendships -the reason for our existence. We were built to BE in powerful, life-transforming friendships. And any (that's a big word) great friendship needs mutual value (admiration and affirmations that the friendship matters)! Mix "high value" with the assurance of commitment (I'm there for you, even if I win a 50 billion dollar Lotto)! Commitment without value is slavery or some form of psycho-mess-up.

When you pray this prayer you affirm a reality that can't always be seen with our senses or feelings. Belonging is a fantastic gift; especially if you like the person you belong to - and they like you just as much!

Another 3 word prayer I like is, "For my friends." Thinking about others is such an "out of jail free" card to my feel-sorry-for-myself moments. I also like the 3-word prayer, "I am blessed." It so helps me to keep in the zone of being gifted rather than an "I deserve," or "it's my right" wrong attitude. Enough 3-word prayers for today (I've got more :).

NEW SHOES: Setting up mile markers can be a good thing (if you don't measure your value by them; or others). I just set a new PR for running distance last week so I celebrated by buying a pair of shoes & fit! Sixteen years ago I went to Jack & Jill's next to Green Lake (Seattle) and had a store employee go joking with me - then fit me to the right running shoes. I did it again this week and I'm loving the difference (this time they slow-mo-video you while running barefoot on a treadmill. They do a bunch of other voodoo stuff as well. My ankles, knees, and shins are very valuable to me - I'm so glad I reach this health goal (would you like to see a pic. of my new shoes? :D

Hey, Check out the Facebook and our blog re. the acoustic show, art exhibit, and great food this Friday, the 23rd at 7 p.m. It's fun, free, very relaxing - You should check it out, and then come and enjoy. My son Gordon, of Gordon Avenue, is teaming up with a fantastic bass player, and a couple other great musicians to do a very cool Acoustic concert. Check it out here, NOW!

Facebookers - do a search for Living Hope Church East Vancouver!


Prayers that benefit almost everyone (atheists too)!

So I've got this thing about 3-word prayers! Three word sentences can be powerful, i.e. "I lv U!"

This week (please bug me if I don't get these posted) I'll be posting some of the most powerful 3-Word prayers I find so helpful in forgiving myself. Check out our East Van. Living Hope blog for even more about forgiving yourself (www.lhceast.com).

Also: An Acoustic Concert by Gordon Avenue (www.Gordonavenue.com) and friends Friday, April 23, at 7 p.m. (705 SE Parkcrest Ave. Vancouver, Wa 98683 - Just East on Mill Plain off of I-205). It's free and there will be an art exhibit and great food! Come hang out with Laura and I. If your too old for "serious rock and roll" you can enjoy the mellow acoustics of Gordon Avenue in this special appearance at our local Living Hope Campus.


Easter at East Vancouver Living Hope - 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Laura and I have so much to share about Easter! Come join us and we'll buy you a latte! More to come all week about Easter as never seen before :)