
Christmas Eve

Pastor John had a survey attached to his blog that surveyed people across the country to see whether you opened presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Ours is Christmas Eve. My sweetheart Laura is an ICU nurse and has to work on Christmas Eve. Visit my blog after Christmas and I'll share some of our fun traditions. (If I tell you now I might give away a surprise. You'll see).

As I look forward to our Laurelhurst Candlelight service today, I was thinking of how many men God is using to touch a hurting world in Portland, OR. Here's a picture of Jeff bringing five of us guys together for breakfast to plan and dream ONLY GOD dreams for men in Portland. Doug's camera took this picture; Jeff is on the far, distant right. Next to Will is Dennis and holding up the far left is Ray (Can you figure out who Doug is?).

Four other guys I want to highlight this morning: Don Taylor (lion outfit below), Robert Hill and Robert Hill (both of them) and John Toy. Don has been a servant with Laura and I for eight years (+). His amazing wife has earned her wings trying to keep Don on track. Don was our "bad" Santa on the Max last week. (The Mall authorities kicked him out - two Santas are too much.) Don has the gift of "helps" and more. He tirelessly gives and gives. He's that last minute guy and a great problem solver. I will never forget baptizing Don in an all black church. (He was the church treasure, I was the guest.) Don was being re-baptized and wanted to have it done at his former church. I'm so inspired by the tireless giving of so many of you. Thank you so much for giving your one and only life for God!

Many of you know the Robert Hill that helps with set-up, offering, and in almost any other way he can. Robert was a member of Will's church and has stepped in at Laurelhurst with his whole heart. A Robert Hug can make your day. He's got a huge heart for God. Robert's work shift has changed and so we've missed him this last month. He'll be back. Loved the hug this last Friday night.

The other Robert Hill I met at Prairie a couple of years ago. He's my Native brother and we've lifted weights together, laughed, eaten great salmon (he's one good cook) and cried over some huge broken pieces in his life. When Robert's wife abandoned their marriage, Robert really believed life for him had ended. Little did he know the master touch of Jesus and how he would not only be given a new heart, but Robert dropped religion, opened his hands and accepted grace. Last year I performed the wedding for Robert and his wonderful new bride (one very, very sweet, so-in-love-with Jesus lady). Robert has joined me from the very first when I began to dream about Portland. I've spent so many hours driving around Portland, praying, showing Robert possible locations before the Rose Garden ever happened. Thank you Robert for playing Cowboys and Indians with me (you win - you've got a life long - and beyond friend).

The last guy I want to highlight is Robert Toy. Robert heads our set-up/tear-down team. He not only pours his heart into a sometimes thankless job but he does it with pure joy. Robert is becoming one of my close friends and I can hardly wait to see what 2008 will bring to our ministry and friendship. Thank you Robert for such faithful sharing of your gifts, love for Jesus, and consistent joy.

I think my next blog will be a few of the stories of Laurelhurst members sharing how using our Charlie Brown thank you cards can make a huge difference. Thank someone today for how God had used them to bless your life. (I'll tell you about Rosa from Walmart in my next blog.)

"God SO loved that He gave . . . God is love . . . No greater love can be found than to lay down your life . . . while we were weak, sinners, yes even enemies with God we were brought near, reconciled, by the death of Jesus Christ" (From the book of John, I John, and Romans).

Merry Christmas dear Laurelhurst Rhinos: Give thanks to God and so His love to others (email me with your stories of kindness acts to others - Brucea@livinghopechurch.com.


Still Maxing OUT - pictures

How much fun was it Saturday night on the Max. To see the surprise, the number of people who sang carols with us and the response of the homeless in Pioneer Square - it was so cool (warming to the heart).

It all kicked off at the Starbucks by the IKEA. After taking our money they invited us to sing. The barista asked for a blanket, so we brought a smile to his life before leaving for a wonderful fun weekend.

Tiffany, Mary Jane and Dennis, and several others stayed up until 11pm Friday making 140 Christmas gifts for the homeless. It was a fun evening which ended with our Santa getting kicked out of the Pioneer Mall. One of our Laurelhurst attendees was mistaken for a homeless guy and was offered a blanket and coat (we laughed a lot).

We were made to make differences! We are all created in God's image!

Matthew 5:15-16 makes it clear: WE ARE lights on a hill to shine out for the whole world to see. We are Jesus' hands and face - His love to a lonely world with no light of forever friendship hope in their lives.

I'm already getting some cool stories from those who are using the Charlie Brown Christmas cards and red ribbon to bless strangers who need some cheer. I'll post those this week.

Check out these fun pictures:


Christmas on the Max - Sat. Dec.15 @ 3:30 p.m.


View Larger Map

Here's the clip from Johnny & us trying to find Holiday cheer:

Internet Explorer users click here for the clip

  • We'll start at the Cascade Max station (by IKEA & the airport, across from the new Starbucks (before 3:30 we will be at Starbucks) - Directions: take the Airport Way exit off of I-205 (west towards airport), take the first exit off of Airport Way (Cascades Way) and turn LEFT (towards IKEA - away from the airport) on Cascades Pky. You will see the Max station on the right and Starbucks on your left (You can park behind Starbucks & Kay Jewelers).
  • Dress warm - The coats and hats we're bringing are for the homeless.
  • Be nice to Santa and his helpers. (We'll provide the candy canes and holiday music sheets.)
  • After riding/singing/being way too serious on the max we will stop at Pioneer Square and give out gifts, clothing, & blankets to the homeless.
  • Those who wish to play with us can do the "12 days of Christmas" and check out the mall gingerbread house competition and get food/hot drinks.
  • For more information email pastor Bruce - Brucea@livinghopechurch.com


Thankfulness - Gratitude is the attitude

I've watched It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas for a long time and I still find myself amazed at how much of a real difference every one of us makes. When I'm stressed or isolated it's harder to sense that I really am made in God's image. All of us are creative forces that add to or take away - all the time! I want to live to give God's love.

This weekend (Dec. 16) I'm speaking on the power of gratitude. Here are a couple thoughts I ran across in my study:

  • Brennan Manning: “To live in the wisdom of accepted tenderness is to accept myself and everything that happens to me as a gift that’s good; it’s to understand that my very existence is an expression of praise and thanks to God.”
  • Albert Schweitzer: "At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."

  • Cicero: "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."

  • Meister Eckhart: "If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice."

  • Buddha: "Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful."

  • Paul (I Thessalonians 5:16-18) "Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
If ingratitude is the opposite of gratitude and hatred is the opposite of love, how important is it that I live out God's gift of life with gratitude today?

Check out this popular advertisement on TV (You give a little love)


Christmas Clutter

Laura and I have been quickly grabbing a few items for the last three weeks, in the "Clutter Ultimatum" for our Laurelhurst campus giveaway. We have also had several conversations about our mental clutter.

It was dark, wet, and very quiet when I got to my office this morning and it felt so good to sit with my old friend from across the pond (English dude bud-friend for the last 9 years) and reflect on what matters most.

Oswald (my UK mentor) said this to me; "Why does not God save me? He has saved me, but I have not entered into relationship with Him. Why does not God do this and that? He has done it, the point is - Will I step into covenant relationship? All the great blessings of God are finished and complete, but they are not mine until . . . ."

"Hmm" I replied, "If I've already got this amazing relationship with God, but I have so much 'this and that' as you put it, that God hasn't given me, what do I need to do?"

Os smiled and softly said, "Waiting for God is incarnate unbelief, it means that I have no faith in Him; I wait for Him to do something in me that I may trust in that." You see, God's nuts about us - He said so in Genesis 1 and reminded us in Paul's letter to Ephesus (Check it out). But God is waiting, very patiently for our response. Friendships are never fear-based, never forced. (That's what religion does- NOT God!)

Chambers and I had a wonderful time this morning (I won't bore you with all the details) and I wrote in my journal these words:

"Real, alive, authentic relationships are always "choice driven." The very word, 'relationship' denotes a number larger than one (I'm guessing 'three' is the smallest number for a good relationship). The BIGGEST Being in the universe has already, before time began, fallen madly in love with me! I want to say yes so many times more this day to your offer of forever friendship. I am YOURS! This is THE gift of forever friendship; thank you Jesus! I John 4:18-19; John 3:16-17

Read my British Chaps words for yourself:
Modern English
(Easy reading - not as accurate)

Original Oswald


Big Trees & Memories

As our boys were growing up we would remind them each week, "We were made to love people and use things, never love things and use people."

We keep looking for illustrations from our previous week to remind us.

That's what the Christmas season should be about. Two Mondays ago, with the help of some "curly fries" and the borrowed "Blue Bomb" we motored up into the wild mountains above Camas and cut down a couple trees! We cut our little guy first, a 8 ft. "family room" tree. Then we went hunting for the "big guy." We selected, by committee, a 25' fella, then trimmed him down to about 18 feet. The curly fries came in between the two trees. Photo op time and two beautiful horses (they pushed against the fence begging for some attention) added to our memories. Here are a few pics - you fill in the commentary (THE TREE IS NOW UP - 16.5 ft. of pure beauty! Be watching for the final footage). Coming soon - a new video of Johnny Driver and myself trying to bring Portland some holiday cheer!