
Our own Audrey is in Korea

Take a moment and send our little violinist and Laurelhurst friend a note - You can post a comment on her new blog. Read about Korea and be ready for her arrival in China. Check out her blog. Give her some encouragement!

Audrey's blog site


Final "Letter" in MaskS (Status)

This is the final installation of my acronym called MASKS. This is a test in the discipline of consistency. (Yes I do grade myself on the curve!) SO, here it is - we are all hard-wired with those famous 5 senses (the sixth sense is a great movie, but not science). Society naturally follows A&E's lead (don't blame those gorgeous avocados) and judges by their senses and therefore has created a mask of value which it willingly (forcefully) attaches to humans. Our true value gets lost, covered up, in this self-evaluation. These masks deaden the song of our heart (God's Spirit singing into our heart) and create illusions of being ok. But masks never seem to stay in place and we keep finding ourselves disappointed, and tempted to believe life, love, and true friendship to be a joke. We believe even more lies and then have to create mini-masks, stacked at multiple depths, to try and keep believing the mistruth that what we do makes us valuable. Religion is one of the biggest peddlers of such poison. Only the TRUTH can set us free. The truth is never found in ivory tower or some Eastern philosophy (Yoga is great for the physical well-being), but in a being - a real live, I want to be your friend being - JESUS who lived and walked and looked like a Jew. (Maybe because He was/is one?) Here are my jumbled thoughts on the last letter of my word MASKS


I wanted a fake Rolex watch! I thought "how cool to be riding on a plane and kind of hang my hand out there . . . just look at me." This was in the early years of "knock-off" watches. We were in Mexico and I had found one for $25. It looked amazing. The good ones were made in Hong Kong at the time. (Laura and I had looked at those while in the Orient - people were paying a few grand for what they thought was a real Rolex only to find out when it was looked at in the US that they were incredible fakes - they probably lasted as long as the real "R".)

I begged for my sweet, so-easy-to-get-along-with wife, but she is "tight" when it comes to money (it's a good thing) and said it was one of my 10 greatest "stupid spontaneous spending ideas" ever. I did get one, but I had to wait a few years. I had told this story as a guest speaker in Boise, ID. A year later I was speaking there again and a businessman who travels to Mexico on a regular basis gave me one. He had bought one and had saved it until I returned. Wow! When he gave it to me, a lady who didn't know either of us was waiting to talk to me. She became very upset at the way I kept laughing when I got this "expensive" gift. She almost left without me having a chance to clarify (another great sermon for another day). Anyway I got my watch and did wear it for social experimentation purposes. At times, with certain people it really did work.

Status can be a watch, a title ("My son is a doctor!"), or any of several "social idols." Some of the reason the "rich and famous" waste money is that it's part of that Status mask. But if anyone could be a poster child for Status being a poor measurement of value, that Charles fellow has got to be the man (He once hung out with that Lady Di lady). All the High English blood in the world still can't fulfill what God alone can do!

Do you have something in your life that gives you that sense of "being ok?" Last week it was my BBQ Monster (Mine is bigger than Kasey's- Ha . . . Summertime is here and watching Shrek again would be a great idea).

Perhaps you hang onto the the fact that you're a "great parent"? It may be your status title. What a great thing to value, your investment in your kids. But what a poor way to know why you are valued. I'll end with one of my top 50 verses in all the Bible - It's why we're valuable!

"Before God even got around to making this amazing world, he was daydreaming about how in love He was, already, with you! He already looked at you as unique, perfect, and 100% real! This wasn't blind sentimentality, God knew we would take a side street, but He predetermined to win us back through His Son."


Warning: Someone has determined that "Knowledge" can be harmful to your health

[This continuation has been in draft mode for the past couple weeks -long weeks with a cold, stress, and some personal wrestling. Letting God lift you back up on the horse and heading out with the wagon train is a wonderful, refreshing experience. We are not yet meant to be Settlers. We are on an adventure, a rescue mission of love. Heaven has not come down yet, it will, and I believe soon. But I leave the "soon" up to God. I'm so anxious to write about again about the book The Shack. Our life group is going through it and looking at God through Scripture and this creative novel. It's been so wonderful. I've been puzzled by those who DON'T just dislike the book, but feel compelled to write against it and use their platforms of influence to attack it. I mentioned not relating to Frank Peretti's book "This Present Darkness" in an earlier blog (I dislike the book a great deal), BUT I've never put it down when preaching or attacked it in writing. I have seen God use it to touch other friends' lives. It's a novel too and I hesitate to apply apologetical questions and require it to give definitive, proof-texting, type descriptions of God. I want to reply on one of my blogs to these attacks but must "cool" down a bit and listen to God's plan for this hothead. I most likely will blog on it, as the author of "The Shack" will be coming to Living Hope in July! But for now, let's try and finish my MASKS acronym.]

So I've been blogging about "false identity" and I've been doing this acronym called MASKS. It's taken me like 600 months to try and finish it, so if you're older than 29 you may need to jump back to my earlier blog and refresh.

S (still to come)

I've never struggled with trying to wrap my sense of value around my IQ. In fact I was told at the end of high school that I would have a hard time finishing even a 2 yr. degree at a community college. I did, in accounting, and then went to work with my father in his businesses. I returned about four years later and finished a BA in theology, with a minor in Biblical languages (Greek). I then went to Michigan and finished a M.Div. (Masters of Divinity). That's when I realized that the knowledge mask can sneak up on you in various shapes and forms.

I got bit by thinking I knew a lot about God. I loved to debate with other "believers" about theology, ethics, and Bible truth. I loved to discuss "free will" and "Calvinism." I thumbed my eternal nose at those who were blinded by 1,600 + years of darkness in history. I felt sorry for people who worshiped traditions and theories that were never part of Scripture.

I WAS BLIND to my mask of spiritual knowledge. It hurt me very badly. One of the ways this false mask got glued to my face is that I never saw how much I was trying to play the Holy Spirit's role in others' lives. I was so worried about others misrepresenting God that I felt compelled to correct them. I would point out how what they said was not in sync with the Bible. The end result was very consistent. They seldom, if ever, saw "the truth" but instead became even more entrenched in their "error." I no longer had the same influence on them (at least not in a positive way) and everyone around us were drawn into attitudes of negativeness.

I've seldom seen people in Biblical swordplay come closer as friends, or even understanding something in a new way. There is almost NEVER a positive result from such apologetics. So why did I get so sucked into this cover-up? (Isn't it wonderful to say "I'm no longer bitten by this snake!" Ha!) I believe I was so concerned about others being "lead astray" that I didn't realize the sense of value I was deriving from "playing God." This is not to say there isn't a time and place (and way) to share with others God's love, His plan. But as I was re-reading a review by a "big time" cyberspace Christian blogger I felt the mask reappear.

How does the Knowledge mask grab you? Any attempt to use things, or my abilities to measure value will always result in a performance-based relationship, not one of love as a gift!

Christians, I fear, are too often bitten by this false sense of superiority because of their "it's-all-figured-out" theology! God is so close to us - He will be our best friend, AND God is so different, so beyond us, that we will always be in a "mystery" relationship of total "awe" because God is beyond all that I could ever think, dream, imagine, or even believe! God IS GOD and I am not! To think that a God so vast that I can never understand Him is able to come so close and relate in my human ways so that I can love, trust, and grow a friendship with Him forever! Wow - ONLY GOD!

There's only one "letter" left in our MASKS of false value - Status! I'll share with you my "Rolex".


Check out Aria's web site

It was so cool to have Aria lead us in great worship and share passion and gifts. Here are two links to her web sites:

My Space

Aria Anaforian

Learning to Risk . . . God's Adventure today

One of God’s “Big 10” values has got to be adventure!
In Genesis we see Adam invited into an adventure on his very first day of life (in a perfect, brand new world)! In this perfect world there was no fear in adventure. But with our natural distrust of anyone but ourselves, we often feel uneasy or perhaps even terrified when God invites us into His adventure.

Last night I was visiting with a couple who greet at our Saturday night service in Vancouver. They’ve been married 44 years, but it looks like they must have gotten hitched when they were 9. They are one cool couple, inside and out. He’s got some killer tattoos (they actually look good on him) and she matches him perfectly! Together they exude a rare joy, and they're are on God’s adventure together. They are a couple who have left the safety of the calm bay and let God take their Viking ship out into open water. The big waves have carried them away from “church people” who go to church to “hear deep sermons” and enjoy their “church music".

After the 5 pm service they said to me, “We live to be a part of a church that is more about lost people (I would add, “people at sea without clear direction") than about those who already have a close relationship with God.” In all their years of “doing church”, they have never seen a church like Living Hope. Last night was no exception; Living Hope opened with three classic rock and roll songs (no worship) and used this as a way of connecting people to the idea that God’s priorities are upside down in relationship to societies. When we did worship via music, at the end of the service, it was so powerful, so clear, because of what Pastor John had shared in God's world.

Perhaps you saw the news clip of the elderly man being hit by a car and no one stopping or coming to his aid for over a minute. People jay-walk across the street, passing within a couple feet of the man. Cars slowed and drove around him; one car even backs up and turns around. No one comes to his aid. Was it Fear or an unwillingness to risk that hardened so many people? God help us in our idol worship to "safety!" (See more regarding this story on Pastor John's blog)

Laura and I have only a few (maybe 50) years to live and nothing has brought us closer to God than risking, moving out of our “safety bay” and into unknown, uncharted waters. (Yes, I’m currently reading a book about early Vikings traveling to Iceland.) We've used up some of our retirement funds, refinanced our home, and worked harder and for less money than ever before - BUT we are so abundantly blessed, so constantly overwhelmed with God's amazing love. In the last four years we've seen more miracles, more baptisms, more lives dramatically changed, more deep friendships established, more joy deep in our hearts than at any other time in our lives. Living in life's calm, protected bay is wonderful. Having our boat moored, connected to electricity, cable TV, and being close to grocery stores is real nice; but worth nothing compared to the open water adventure of God's plan! What is God calling you to risk? If you cut the ropes that keep you moored to the dock and allow God to take you wherever He knows best, you will KNOW Him deeper! No one can tell you what "cutting the ropes" means for you! Cut them, you will know, and then you will see God's plan as He knows best to show it to you.

I was thinking these thoughts and read Oswald Chamber's devotion this morning – Wow, catch this, “If you do not cut the moorings God will have to use a storm to break them and send you out. Launch all on God, going out on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and your eyes will be opened.”

Are you still waiting to see the map before you row out into open water? Do you need to hear a voice from Heaven before you become a Barbarian for Jesus? (Check out Erwin McManus’ book.) There is always a counterfeit for following God’s plan, it’s called “self-manufactured sacrifice.” Israel’s first King chose this “human-doing” sacrifice over risking God’s unknown adventure. We sometimes sacrifice in order to remain the Martyr-Hero, to keep the focus on ourself. The very first murder was all about this (Genesis 4) – Cain wanting to offer to God what he had produced. God invites us to risk and follow His adventure over our own hard work and effort (I Samuel 15:22).

Don’t focus on what you once did for God or how you used to be so close to Him: look to the open water, risk, and let God lead you into a deeper closeness (true knowledge) with Him. What is your open water today? Again, it’s not necessarily someone else’s adventure.

I’m looking and listening right now, because all this week I’ve been tempted to stay moored in the bay that’s so nice, so safe, so full of wonderful shops and restaurants (my own “good life). I've felt fear, the unknown this week. I've prayed for Portland, for people far from God, and my own "safety bays" that God is inviting me to sail out of. So, sharpen your knife, cut the ropes . . . there are far too many "civilized" religious folk. God needs a few more barbarians who will follow him before they see how! Is it fun? Not always. For some, it can mean suffering for a long time. Is it worth it? God's friendship and any adventure with Him is worth everything! Drop everything; your diamonds, baseball cards, and even your nachos -push away from the dock and sail! What your open hands and open heart will receive is far greater than anything we can create or get through human means. Let sail out into open, uncharted water right now!


BACK to my "MASKS" Acronym re: False Identity

We are still in the Identity series, Rockstar, at our church. And I want to finish the acronym I started at the first of this series. It represents 5 ways we typically try to build our identity (false ways) . . . but FIRST . . .

. . . a report on my sweetheart's 39th birthday.
(Laura gave up calling it her 29th a couple yrs. ago.) We had a blast. It really reminded me of heaven, because I was disappointed that I didn't get to be with her until about 5 pm. Laura and I snuggled on the couch looking at the Alaska cruise her dad is taking us on in September and the excursions we might take. It was fun. We so are into dating and we love setting dates in the future that we can dream and anticipate for a time before it happens. If you want to know how to supercharge your dating, give us a buzz -we love to share.

When all our family got home we took a trip up the street to 360 Degree Pizza. (Their salads are fantastic and I love their Garlic and Chicken Pizza it's wonderful - Margaretta pizza, and other unique high quality authentic pizzas . . . great place - same owners at ROOTS.) We finished up at home and Laura was once again overwhelmed by her jewelry and clothing gifts (1 pair of shorts and one shirt didn't fit - all the rest were home runs!) We finished with four gourmet ice creams (Laura loves ice cream). Marcus entertained us with "silly laws" that are still on the books in several states - Great evening (not as adventurous as some years . . . we usually do some "flower bed" project on her birthday (felt bad and good at the same time - I'm not a yard guy). I can't think of a more amazing woman, in all the world, than my sweetheart and best friend! My father is the most amazing human I've ever met (Jesus is beyond the "human" category).

OK, now it's back to our MASK acronym:

You may want to brush up on my initial MASKS blog before proceeding (A - Appearance, S - Skill)
OK, our fourth COVER-UP mask is Knowledge.

Knowledge - This mask hasn't been one of my favorites. It was usually the nerds in my high school or that quiet girl who most often resorted to this false value measurement. Karl Sagan could be poster child for this mask. But the classic representative is still Albert Einstein. Brilliant, insightful, Einstein was a powerful mind who left a permanent mark, an unremovable dent, in our lives. Who better to represent this seductive mask of false worth?

Einstein had a brilliant mind and he came to be valued by society for his knowledge. Society values bright minds and Albert's was no different. But his life was one of profound loneliness. No matter how others value us our true value can only be met by God. I've had friends rely on their ability to make a name for themselves by using their IQ. But our Spiritual and Relational IQ are much different and that inner call of our hearts can only be met by a deep friendship with Jesus. If you rely on how smart you are to feel valuable you know how empty this measurement gauge is. I think in the end Einstein understood this. I love some of what he wrote. Here's what he said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

More quotes from this incredible, lonely, intellectual giant:

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has not forgotten the gift."

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science."

"We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles but no personality."

"The human mind is not capable of grasping the universe. We are like a child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books -a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects."

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity."

. . . more later on how I found I was using this mask in my "spiritual life." This is a very dangerous and poisonous variation of the Knowledge mask.


Nothing Better!

Late night - 12:30 p.m. to bed (getting up at 5 is tough). It was worth it! I was holding my little granddaughter at 11:30+ lastnight and I had this deep sense of how much God wired us to be in passionate, real, alive relationships. I loved today's Oswald Chambers (see my fav. on the side bar of my blog). He uses the word "say-so." I've never known what a say-so meant - it's a cool word. Loved his thoughts - so perfect for me.

Our son's band, Gordon Avenue, played at the Hawthorne Theater in the Hollywood district lastnight. They got a great response (Gordon had been sick for 4 days and couldn't talk before the show), God really helped him with his voice.

Some of our Life Group met for Thai at this absolutely amazing place before the show - it's on SE Sandy Blvd. - wow. I'll give a full update soon (I hope), as well as a very cool Bible search engine I just found (it's cool).

Talk more later - I'm heading to the local jail; and my sweetheart's birthday is today too (Oh us boys got her the coolest clothes and jewelry - WOW, WOW!). I am perhaps the luckiest man on this planet (I'll explain later my own definition of luck).


Come join us Wed. Night

Our oldest son Gordon is playing at the Hawthorne Theater this Wed. night. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and Gordon's band, Gordon Avenue, will be playing at about 8:40 or 8:50 p.m. It's a 40 min. show and you will have so much fun! Our entire LifeGroup is going out to eat in the Hollywood area before the show. Hawthorne Theater is on the corner of Hawthorne and SE 39th (some good food on Fremont, Division, and over accross I-84 on Sandy.

Even if you don't like great rock & roll you can gift someone else's life. Email me at averybruce@gmail.com if you want to Will Call tickets ($8 -a great way to invest in Gordon and his band).

It will be fun. Gordon's blog
His website is on My Space - search for Gordon Avenue under bands (sorry this provider blocks My Space so I can't give you the link). Hope to see you there!