
After Christmas wipe-down report

Christmas of 2009 remembered

Biggest hit: Elena's electric car (her favorite companions are her new doll and Camelback water bottle - her very own; v. cool)

Best Bang-for-$: My very cool Kettlebell (I've wanted one for a long time - there are s
ome very excellent exercise you can do easily with anything else - love it - there's a pic on my previous blog).

Most practical: New bathrobe and slippers (Oh my my kids went over the top on these - best quality - like'n lots).

Still waiting: To take down our bigger tree (16+'), to use our new snow shoes (Great dates in sight for my sweetheart and me!).

Hot: My favorite cologne from my favorite girl!

Remembering- still: The annual "It's A Wonderful Life" movie night with our whole family; The 45 min. "Avery Christmas story" we've read for 33 Laura and Bruce Christmas Eve's. I will not forget how much my kids love giving to their mom (Yes, she got more than 20 gifts - the most of anyone in our castle!). And our Christmas celebrations on Dec. 4 at our East Vancouver Campus and then the Week of Christmas shows at our main campus - so inspiring to see thousand of people focus on Jesus. The most wonderful gift was the hundreds of people who said "yes" to Jesus' forever-friendship this month at Living Hope (even the bad Camel who is also a donkey killer - sad story).

Tomorrow (perhaps): New relationship possibilities, Our January 14 trip to India (Laura, Gordon, me & a several friends), and continued investment in those friendships we've been given. Praying and wishing YOU a very grand Happy New Year!
Pictures of my cell-phone preaching in India, 2009


10 Great Gifts to Give (Some of these are very creative)

Top 10 Healthy, Long-lasting, Christmas gifts – 2009

1. Investing in the East Van. Living Hope Jan. 2010 India Mission trip!1

2. Buy a “Blue”2 exercise ball or balance ball, or maybe a Kettlebell2a w DVD3

3. Pick up two pair of “Snow shoes” or “Cross Country Skies” for winter fun.4

4. Send someone a subscribe to Nutrition Action Healthletter (www.cspinet.org).5

5. Look for cheep Yoga and Palates DVD’s at Target, Fred Meyer as a “resource” gift.6

6. Create a card that pays for (& joins them) the STP Bike Ride in 2010.7

7. Give a subscription to a cycling, running, hiking, or golf magazine.8

8. Purchase a Pedometer along with 52 “Free Walks” certificates.9

9. Buy a quality Body Fat/Water scale.10

10. Buy two heart-rate monitor watches and add 52 “activity card invitations.”11

1­­ Think of someone you love who needs Jesus in their life. If God has someone who would be able to connect with them and the result would be life-changing, how much would you pay to see this happen? What if it would only cost a dollar to connect them together and see Jesus’ love flood this person’s life? How quickly would you invest this dollar? For every dollar Laura and I now take with us to India (Jan. 14) one person will receive a new life in Jesus! Email me – bruce.lhceast@gmail.com. $25 per month rents a new church in an area where there are NO churches; $50 per month gives full-time support to a pastor and his family to serve an instant congregation of hundreds! Your endorphins will thank you. You invest even more wisely into what God has given you to manage in the future. Others will be inspired and their spiritual, emotional, and physical health will be directly or indirectly improved.

2 These are the “exercise balls” that are used for sit-ups, push-ups, waist/side-strengthening exercises. Get the Large size (about $14) and keep it in your Family Room. The color doesn’t matter :-). Use while watching a movie or TV. Strengthening the “core” is critical to protecting back injury or healing damaged back, hips, & knees!

2a These are unique exercise weights that are excellent for flexibility, strength, and speed. You can get them with a DVD/CD at Kohls for a good price (Big 5 has them too). I’ve seen people use them to do both cardio and muscle strengthening at the same time. Remember, if you or your friend doesn’t have a workout partner it’s not going get used.

3With all exercise equipment, you need first build a “team plan” or it’s going to be a worthless gift/investment. Buying any exercise, weight-loss, or health-improvement “tool/system” is silly unless you have a detailed plan to grow a team around you to help develop this new discipline into your life! Catch up with Bruce for details as to how to start. This will change big areas of your life! Promise!

4­­Costco has them! REI has a bigger selection at a much bigger price!

5­­This little public Health letter is one of the very best – readable, fun, practical help in every issue. AND they have received no money in their 35 years of print, from the Government or Industry. They don’t sell any advertising space. It’s a very trustworthy source for health tips. It’s the largest Health letter in the world, and oldest.

6­­I like to buy these, then glean off of it some exercises that really work for me. This is a cheap way to find some great stretching and core strengthen exercises. My hip flexor exercises came off this.

7The STP is a fully supported bike ride from Seattle to Portland. Bruce and Laura will be doing this ride in 2010. We will be doing the two day ride. We camp half way. We will have a great time – also having made our own Living Hope Jerseys with the finest European materials :).

8­­The people you hang with and what you read and view does influence your lifestyle changes!

9Get a good quality Pedometer, like the Tanita (www.thecompetitiveedge.com). Making up 52 certificates that promise to “walk or hike” is what makes this a great gift. Having a measurement to set goals does help a lot of people aim for something and actually reach it!

10­­­­Again I love the Tanita brand – quality. Measuring fat, muscle weight, and keeping track of your H2O hydration levels is a much better way to measure health. I set a goal to reach before I bought my scale – I love it. It really motivates me and gives me the right goals to focus on.

11­­­­This is one of the very best gifts for anyone who exercises regularly – walking, running, hiking, going to the gym. Why? Almost everyone’s body reached a level after a few weeks of repeated activity. We have no way of knowing if we’re improving or not. Buy a heart-rate watch that also measures calories burned and you can see your heart rate, see how much you burn and now do something about it. When I’m about to take a walk with family visiting for the holidays I often climb our stairs before leaving the house. I then jump around, play around and get my heart rate up to about 128 bpm before we even leave. My entire leisurely stroll will see more calories burned because of this quick 2 min. warm-up. I can swing my arms or jog up and back if I desire. These monitors are now very affordable and really can improve your health. Timex and Polar are two pretty good brands.

Want to read my Christmas blog (Dec. 2)?


Surprises, Burning Calories, Making Headlines - Luke 2:8-20

Check out Luke 2, verses 8-20. I love this story!

Luke 2: 9
"suddenly . . ." (King Jimmy uses the wd "lo") - a demonstrative particle (WOW!); in other words "Check this out" (the dramatic "pause" in a film; the surprise sound effect).

Verse 10 "Don't be afraid." There are two kinds of fear in the Bible; One when I follow my way (sin) and the other which is a deep admiration (awe) that gives us goose bumps from the beauty, power, and goodness of someone we value immensely! What kind of fear do you have in your relationship with God! "Don't be afraid!"

Verse 10 "good news of great joy. . . " Greek = mega chara (Mega = Super, super, super-sized deep-heart-warmth). The word "joy" is part of the same root from which we get the word "grace." God wants us ALL to have deep inner peace that "in the end" everything will be alright (no matter what)! This is a great gift to get VERY excited about!

Verse 13 "Suddenly. . ." Have you been surprised yet today? If not, why?

Verse 16 "they ran . . ." The Greek word, "speud0" is where we get the English word "speed" and "Speedo" (Do not wear one, please!). What would be worth "running" for in your life? The after-Christmas 90% off bins? An opportunity to clothe and feed the homeless? The chance to serve love and hope? To kneel before the One who will change your life forever?

Verse 17 "The Shepherds told everyone . . ." What kind of Facebook invitations are you going to share today?

Verse 18-19 "All . . . were astonished, but Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and thought about them often." Two very opposite reactions; both very cool, both to be treasured! Are you still astounded? By what? What have you "treasured in your heart and thought a lot about" this week?

I plan to finish Luke 2 tomorrow (I also plan to publish my Top 10 Healthy gifts List).

Hey, don't forget to read Proverbs 23 on the 23rd of December (a very cool chapter!)


Please join Laura and I - This Sunday @ 7 pm

Laura and I would so love to have you disrupt your plans this Sunday afternoon and join us for our son's concert at the Hawthorn Theater. Our son's band, Gordon Avenue, is playing through a new booking company and we are very excited for this mini-Christmas Concert (one Christmas song - ha). Four other bands will be playing.

Here's the deal - the tickets are only available online and none will be sold at the door. Even if you don't want to go you could buy tickets and support a great musician (Gordon is now working on his second album - an acoustic one). If you can make it or you want to send someone else it's all for a great Christmas boy - Gordo!

Hawthorn Theater in Portland
Sunday, Dec. 6, 7 p.m.
Ticket web site: http://tickets.aftonshows.com/Gordonavenue
or check it out at www.Gordonavenue.com