
Reach Out - Much Easier (Try us)

How was your Memorial Memories? Three great BBQ's for us, time at 24hr. Fitness, and lots of catch up work at home! Monday night Laura's brother flew back from London and we were frustrated that we couldn't find out when his plane arrived. I suddenly was aware of how much cell phones and email have changed our lives (stress and a desire to get connected NOW). Well at Burlingame we now have moved up to our own office phone - FUN.
Give our office phone a call (our phone gets lonely too) and leave us a unique message - Call 503.686.8040.

Try our Bruce's weekly blog - lhcportland.blogspot.com

How about sending an email from one of the blogs you like, with a comment and invitation to our Sat. 6 p.m. service, to a friend? Keep reaching out - keep touching lives. It's fun that lasts forever!

This weekend, June 2, I will be speaking on the secret of NOT GIVING UP. Sounds easy but when your at the bottom and rejection is high, it's worse than a root canal! I've telling one of my top 10 stories ever (about one of my boys & a big race). Josiah's band will be back this weekend and we have some great surprises for everyone who comes (I hate keeping these kind of secrets)!

More in a day or two . . . (enjoy the weather - use sunscreen . . . No, I'm not your mother). Look for my two FUN books to read this summer!


BBQ this Saturday 4-5:30 p.m.

Our volunteers are amazing: Holly handed out nearly 300 invitations to neighbors and friends this week in anticipation of our weekend BBQ. 10 beautiful watermelon showed up today and more great food is on the way. Invite a friend or two and come see what God is doing in Portland Or.

This last week I met with Matt and his story was so remarkable that I asked him if I could share it. As a boy in Colorado he grew up going door to door sharing Bible texts he had memorized. Imagine his shock when he father was suddenly excommunicated and disappeared from his life. His father joined the gay community and then later died of aids.

Matt's life spun out of control as his mother soon left Colorado and moved to Rupert Idaho (the first town I pastored in on my own). Home and his friends turned dark and from there his life has been filled with multiple ways of attempting to hide the pain. Matt has filled his body with alcohol and many other drugs -Meth being the worst. He's watched his own children experience many of the prisons he has battled.

Sitting in my new office (Downstairs in the Burlingame church) I felt a strong sense of the reality of Jesus' passion - "To bring liberty to those who are beat up, hurting, and in prisons of fear." If you are reading this blog and are blind in some area of your life - Jesus will give you new eyesight. If you can't hear God repeatedly saying to you, hundreds of times every day, "I so madly in love with you!" then you can know He is right now in the process of healing your ears.

Matt has been clean for two years and was able to see his son baptized in the Rose Garden. He is anxious to join our team that is forming to build a Living Free Recovery ministry at Burlingame. Sitting here with my laptop, I'm still amazed at how powerful, and GOOD God is - always. Matt couldn't see His smiling face for so many years, but NOW HE KNOWS and it shows!

Matt plans to be at our BBQ - I hope you get to met him.

Religion is about rules, information, doctrine, and "being safe." God is about hope, laughter, healing, and changed lives that "love as He first loved us." Take a moment and read I John 4:7-12 (especially verse 12)! We can all say together, "Only God." See you at the BBQ.


Another weekend to stomp out guilt

This weekend, May 19, is going to be one of the most powerful experiences for people who have had a ton of guilt dumped on them! If you know someone who has run away from "religion" because of the fear, guilt, and rules they experienced -invite them to Living Hope at Burlingame this Saturday night. They will be so surprised!

My mother, Donna was taught as little girl that people who played cards, went to the "Picture Shows" and drank beer (even light beer) were not following God's rules and when they did these things (dancing was on the list too) they made God frown and her personal angel couldn't protect her either. Wow, this is sad. Imagine sitting in a show trying to getting into the movie when the thought jumped into your brain, "My angel was sitting on the curb outside - what if there was a fire? I'm in trouble!" This is not a guilt that come from God (Read John 3:16-17)

There's a reason Jesus said, "I came that you might have life - to the fullest!" (See John 10:10) Jesus hates to be represented by Christians as always disappointed in our human falling-down moments. Love always win! Fear and guilt will never carry us far in our relationships.

Last night we had our first Burlingame Leadership get-together. Nine of us sat around eating pizza and sharing what first brought us to Living Hope. I was so touched by how many had come out of religious experiences that continually beat them up. Many had grown so tired of churches that only operated for themselves. Seeing the light on their faces last night was so encouraging, so real!

Those who come this weekend to be part of our "Damage Control" series will feel, experience, and find freedom -"So if the Son sets you free, you are REALLY free!" (See John 8:36)

I can't wait to see another face light up with real love and acceptance! See you Saturday.


Weekend Miracles (keep on inviting)

Ask, invite, be a friend, and then trust God. This last weekend I invited about forty people to Burlingame; I am so glad I spent the time calling: twenty-six of those I called showed up! Wow! Two of them had been struggling with deep pain, three of them had just been baptized a few weeks ago, and one, who is agnostic and desperately wants a forever-friendship with Jesus, brought three more with him. When I say he “desperately wants a forever-friendship” I realize he doesn’t know this yet (I love reading Acts 17 then look forward to the day it dawns on my friend how close Jesus has been all this time!).

Those who showed up early Saturday afternoon, Carla, Kathy, and Shirley –a Burlingame Church member, to prepare all those roses; thank you so, so much for all the extra you did! For all the leaders who gave so much time, you so inspire me! After Saturday night’s service, Laura and I hugged a young girl who has been going through some hard times –to see the look of hope, the smile, mingled with tears, and to see her laugh again . . . and then make an appointment to hang out with me wife this week –Wow this makes all the long hours and prayer worth it.

One couple who visited our Saturday night service was a retired pastor and his wife who had driven my mother from College to a bus station in Baker City Oregon 53 years ago where my mom met my future dad (if you missed the “dark grey turtle neck sweater and purple puddles of passion” story I’m sorry . . . I tell it to you again if you ask). To see this man and his wife discover more than fifty years later how much hope they added to my parents lives was so cool. This retired pastor was also the man who dedicated me to the Lord when I was a baby. It was a powerful evening of seeing people hang out together and grow in the power of God’s love.

Sunday morning I was so tired, and wasn’t at all excited about being at the Convention center. When we arrive, we found the Kid’s World needed some extra help. Laura and I jumped in and soon Laura had little two year old boy hanging onto her desperately (All he wanted was his daddy). I sat by myself. Little did I know that God has placed me just where he wanted me –I was about to tag-team with our Burlingame Prayer Leader, Elle.

Elle was beaming when she introduced me to Ross. The service has just ended. Ross had ridden his bicycle to the Convention center for the first time. Elle had met him on a business flight not long ago and had been inviting him to a “different kind of church.” Ross’s eyes were red from crying. “Could you help us,” Elle begged, “my new friend Ross wants to know how to accept Jesus into his life?” Could I help? I still laugh about the question –YES, SURE, OK! Ross was so full of anticipation. Sitting in that huge auditorium, Elle and I (really, it was the God’s Spirit) introduced Jesus to a guy who had not been in church for many years. Here’s a young man that felt judged by Christians. “I never knew they had a church that could give me so much hope” he gushed and then added, “I grew up Catholic and I always felt so much guilt.

Driving back home that afternoon, I felt so, so tired. But it was absolutely worth it! I looked at my wife and said, “Happy Mother’s day.” The smile and the shared joy seeing Jesus work His magic again this weekend felt as warm as sunshine that was trying to force it’s way into a great Mother’s day. Maybe you’ll meet Ross this Saturday night at Burlingame. I’m expecting more “Ross” stories. Invite. Smile. Be a friend! Bring a friend. And keep believing another miracle is just around the corner! Only God!


This weekend at Burlingame

There are a couple of surprises that need to stay just that, but here's the latest. My wife and I will be sharing with you about God's amazing potential through the words of a mother. We have a story, a small part of our story, that we want to share. Bring your friends for a lot of fun, and let me share some of my favorite of all stories!

So many people have shared with me about their mothers, some good memories some painful. This will be a weekend for all of us to examine the power of words and their potential, words spoken, and those that we failed to share. This is a fantastic weekend to invite someone who has been damaged by religion and in need of powerful words of affirmation.

Fun, funny, tender, and full of hope -that's what I'm praying this Sat. night will bring as we share a slice of life from our passion to learn how to love authentically God's forever love!

Here are a few verses I've been reviewing, and might use this weekend:

From the wisest man who ever lived -Proverbs 18:20-21 Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. 21 The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

Written by the man who also wrote the Love Chapter - Romans 8:16 For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we are God’s children.

Peter, the rock, the man who walked on water, and had a huge anger problem -1 Peter 4:8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins [ONLY GOD!]


Soft-launch @ Burlingame: The adventure begins

It was a scary start!
I looked at my watch; it read 4:00 p.m. No one had arrived yet! Where are all my fearless friends? A brand new sound system, a not yet assembled new projector, and lots of other loose ends (offering buckets – oops, that’s why Freddie’s is so close) played with my nerves (Dondi, you are a lifesaver!).

But the illusion that we’re the one’s doing the work faded around 5:50 p.m. and the reality that God DIDN’T SHOW UP, because He was ALREADY THERE in the first place rang true! Elle Lerman, and Doug and Carla Schopperlrey were the early prayer warriors that God used to calm my stress. Don Taylor, classic Hawaiian shirt flying full sail, ran errands and Michael and Janice made their acquaintance in the sound booth and prepping our Welcome Center. When 6 p.m. rolled into town I was so excited. Smiles, new faces, and fantastic kick off -God never gets sweaty palms. The evening ended with a permanent “ONLY GOD” sticker plastered on my heart.

Three new helpers showed up in our Kid’s World ministry and Jason stayed until the end, vacuuming and cleaning after everyone was gone (It’s fun watching a 6’4’’ giant vacuum!). There are so many more I could name who gladly joined in with willing hands - it was a wonderful evening (Ken, thanks for climbing that 18 foot ladder).

I love singing my lungs out with Josiah and the band; what a great worship time (I knew he had been recording in the studio all day and would do two more worship sets the next morning). I watched as 142 of us, together, experienced our first Launch in the Terwilliger curves –Burlingame (Reed’s college and nearby Lewis and Clark College are going to hear our music –I can only imagine). Portland is going to see darkness run for the hills and an acceptance and love that’s not based on religion, come charging in. Jesus loves Portland and I so want to love what counts most to God. I can hardly wait for this weekend!

Sunday morning I was at the Convention Center and so were several of our key leaders from Saturday night. Two people from our Fresh Start small group on Thursday night (David and Elle, thank you so much for opening your home!) arrived, excited about their decision to be baptized (Family and friends were there to make it so perfect).

Pam, Traci, being able to baptize you was such a thrill. To think back just one month and realize that religion had kept you afraid and away from the kind of love and acceptance you’re now experiencing –God is doing a wonderful thing! You both inspire me so much!

The story of George, who happened into the Convention Center after his 18 Wheeler broke down three times, was another of God's weekend masterpieces. Sunday morning, George and his wife jumped off the Max and decided to wandered through the Portland Convention Center; to his surprise he stumbled upon a church, Living Hope. Standing in the big swimming pool at the end of the service, listening as Pastor John stopped and shared with everyone God’s reminder of why we’re doing church in Portland, was so cool. George simply glowed, above and below the water! He came up out of the water a new man, with an new memory of Portland, Oregon and a new passion to take back to San Diego. His connection with Living Hope is strong, and George's forever-friendship with Jesus something that will never break down. "God’s voice is continuing," as Pastor John often says, “to get just a little bit louder.”

We don’t work for God, we simply say yes to wherever He wished to place us. He works in us!
Wherever you are today is a “Great place.” God is working out His magical love through you. Just smile and believe!

Can't wait to share (What a weekend)

Our "Soft-launch" at Burlingame Sat. night was incredible! Only God! I will post some of the miracles this later today - You won't want to miss several of the surprises this coming weekend (May 12).

An idea: A lot of people that don't regularly do the "church thing" will skip this Sunday - SO . . . why not invite them Sat. night to our NEW SOFT-Launch. It will be a wonderful celebration!

Anyone who would like to be a part of the Baby dedication service can find out more by emailing me, Brucea@livinghopechurch.com.

Be watching for more details about this coming weekend! Only God. (I'll also update you on the Baptisms we had on Sunday at the Convention Center.


Our Daily Chair - God's great gift

What a simple, but PROFOUND illustration Pastor John used this last weekend, the chair. The chair represents so well the "rest" God offers to us -God really is saying, "Relax your fist, let God put his hand on your shoulder and say, "It's going to be OK. Your OK. I love You." This was the powerful message of last week.

I was approached by Pam on Sunday after the service; she was so excited. It was her third week at our Portland campus and is so excited to be baptized this Sunday. She told me how she had her purse stolen at Loyds' Center this week. Pam checked with Lost and Found, looked everywhere, and then prepared to move on. At some point she thought to herself, "why not pray about this." She did, and then got on with life.

When the call from the Postal service came she made no immediate connection to the stolen purse. The postal caller informed Pam that they had a suspicious package with her return address on it. There was insufficient postage, and no address to mail it to- The caller then asked, "Could we bring the package over and have you open it?" You guessed it, the rest is part of an Only God history -yes, the total contents of Pam's purse was in the package. Wow"! Pam's face was still lit up when I saw her on Sunday! It was so cool! What a living example of a gift that goes way beyond what you expect - A gift from God!

Monday I was at Starbucks. It was my day off. I was wearing my "Only God T-shirt." Two baristas smiled and said they had just been talking about "that church." I got my coffee and introduced the people I was connecting together, and then left. As I left I walked next to a line of cars waiting for the "much more than $3 per. gallon coffee." Suddenly a horn awakened my posture -It was my friend Randy, and as he rolled his passenger window down he called out -"I loved the message this weekend." He then went on to tell me he was going to take his "chair card" to share with other business person he would met with this week! God's chair of grace is everywhere.

Have you acted out Grace into someone life this week? Is there someone in your life that you need to be more gracious with this week? Try reading I Corinthians 13:4-7, then circle the words you need God's grace in order to love someone better this week. Invite someone to sit in God's chair of rest -