
Memories this Weekend - Want to hang w Laura and me?

Funny how we (I) love excuses! I was at our new Mall campus for a big chunk of Tuesday and I had planned to get several blogs ready for this week (I'm blogging on "infidelity," unfaithfulness in all areas of our life, and how examining what we "worry" about can get us under the surface to look at the source of distrust and unfaithfulness to those we love), BUT (this is a very powerful, often dangerous word -"but"), I couldn't get the connection to link up. The rest of the week is history and I've little time to share the juicy excuses I baked up.

CUE (What Laura and I are up to Sun. afternoon):
You may want to join us (following the 11 a.m. service on Sun. at E. Vancouver Campus) if:
1) You like laughing and taking pictures at the same time.
2) You've got an appetite for seeing something "very cute"
3) You like simple, but grand, picnics
4) You need to be at another appointment about 6 p.m.

HINT: What we'll be doing involves a digital camera, the ability to swing one's arms, white wooden objects, an adorable 2 yr. old, and lots of green stuff! It only costs possible sore ribs (from laughing and swinging) and grand conversation (plus fresh air)!

INTERESTED? Email me by Saturday midnight at Bruce.lhceast@gmail.com

The color "pink" is definitely part of this Sun. afternoon adventure!


The Monday after LOST ended (Safe to read random thoughts)


It funny how much "props" visually change so much for me. I hated (emotionally turned off) some of the props used in the LOST finale. I love the study of the human psyche. The most fun was watching how very much our oldest son enjoyed the show! But it's sad to see isolated people so obsessed with a show - without friends to enjoy life with, all props (TV included) are empty and have very little meaning.

Some random thoughts on this Monday a.m.

1. What fascinates us, sometimes, with evil people?
2. Who are you most jealous of? What are the sources of jealousy?
3. Am I "Ok" with me today, right now? Why?
4. "Don't get into a battle without some wise mentors close beside you; victory means having many counselors." From Proverbs 24 What could this l
ook like? What are the biggest benefits of following this advice?
5. I've spent several minutes this morning musing on Proverbs 24:27 (applied it to relationships too). Houses and friendships both have "maintenance" costs. Do I have an ongoing, renewable source of income so I can keep pouring into who/what counts most in my life?


Gordon Avenue plays at the Portland Hawthorn Theater this Friday at 7p.m.

You need to come and hang out with Laura and me this Friday night! The band has added a couple new songs and some fun surprises. It's happening at 7 p.m. - Hawthorn Theater (Link).

If I tell you more then I'd have to kill you (not even figuratively speaking . . . I'm very tired this morning . . . :)

Seriously, Laura and I would so love to have you come enjoy the evening with us. It's $10 and it so benefits our son's band if you buy tickets ahead of time. It's easy (We'll make it so!) and you won't be disappointed in the investment.

Go to Gordon's link or email me - Bruce.lhceast@gmail.com


WHy buy $100+ running shoes?

So this has been one major week of "running" - not on pavement as much as in my little Honda, on my MacBook, and using my cell phone.

This morning (Just after midnight) I preach to 3,000 people in India (via cell phone). 500 pastors were at this special gathering and over 1,000 believers. Some 1,500 people who had never heard of Jesus were there as well. I slipped into bed after preaching (it was 1 a.m.) and woke up to an email (5:45 a.m.) telling me that 700 people accepted Jesus when I preached at m
idnight. So many people came up for prayer and were healed! I'm exhausted today but still so full of energy to pour into people's lives.

What does this have to do with $100 running shoes?
I'm running the Hood to Coast with a team of 12 people. I get to improve my health, invest into others
lives, and lower my "slightly high" blood pressure.

I bought these shoes because 14 years ago I did the same thing in Seattle before I ran my one and only one marathon. I bought these shoes after having two experts watch, film, and analyze my running (barefoot). They then tried different shoes on me and watched me run. From this I've used a team of experts to fit the best shoe for my running style.

Apply the principle of "team" to how you build your business, relationships, and spiritual journey and (exercise goals)!

1. Add people to your life that have strengths you don't
2. Associate with people who are wanting the same things you do
3. Hang out with others so you don't become isolated