
Rain & Water bottles

I just walked over about an hour ago and watched as a dozen volunteers worked on the 1,000 water bottles we will deliver tomorrow at 11 a.m. (meeting at the Laurelhurst church).

One of my dear friends is Wayne - he's 82 years young and catches public transportation every Friday to serve at Living Hope. He's also caught a ride to Portland to hear me speak. Wayne is so in love with God and so thankful that he can be a part of Living Hope -He is an amazing Rhino! His cane is wrapped with an "Only God" sticker; it matches his huge heart of care.

Enjoy the pictures (and send up a prayer of thankfulness for this great team). JOIN US SAT. IF YOU WANT to place water bottles on the door steps of 1,000 homes (should take about an hour).


Free Water Works!

It was so exciting to have four new guests as a result of our water bottle give away last week. It was fun, and a great workout for those not driving a vehicle - Lot's of steps to run up. People are used to getting door hangers, not water bottles with a wrapping that tells about our new Living Hope location.

Sunday was our first day in the Old Laurelhurst church - wow! Only God! We had one person visit who had lost their spouse and both children in an accident on Mother's day. They had just moved back to Portland and had found us on the web. They loved it! I then found out another guest was there Sunday and had just lost a sibling to suicide a couple weeks ago. It's so amazing to be part of a church that welcomes people just the way they are - and to see them feel as if they've finally come back home as one of those hurting "new friends" said.

We are handing out water bottles again this Sat. (meet at 11 a.m. at the church - SE 32nd & Burnside). You can drive a car, set out water from a vehicle, or get some great exercise. It will take less than an hour. See you there!

If you know someone who would be willing to do a "Vegas act" for us on one of these Sundays - it would fit so well with our new series (email me if you've got some creative ideas - Brucea@livinghopechurch.com).


Laurelhurst set for a "Crash" of Rhinos

Remember, Rhino's run about 35 mph and can see about 30 ft. in front of their horn - a group of rhino's are called a "crash!" God is calling us to crash into darkness with light. I'm NOT talking about "preaching down to, talk down at, judging or condeming others." NO, we are called to crash into darkness with God's amazing grace, his love and acceptance, and HIS FOREVER HOPE. Jesus is the answer and we will grow His forever love into any one's life who wants love! We accept others the way Jesus accepted us (Ephesians 1:4-5)

On Wednesday I sat at a sidewalk table at the Old Bagdag theater eating a great salad and planning for our new ministry location at Laurelhurst. Watching all the wonderful artistic, alive, Portland people on the street made me want to start dancing some very cool moves (I can not dance - it's impossible!) There is so much excitement in the air and I believe God is going to use Living Hope, all of us, to touch thousands of people's lives for Christ.

Last night Pastor Rick and I spend some time with the Burlingame leaders (the site of our previous Sat. night Portland campus). It's never easy sitting and listening to someone share the hurt and pain they experienced by our sudden change of directions. They so loved partnering with us and will miss having us work with them on Saturday nights. I have never seen church leaders who were so gut level honest, and yet, so full of Jesus love. I left knowing that God had used them to teach me so much more about forgiveness. Before Rick and I left, we knew we we going home still friends and still part of the ONE body of Christ. Burlingame is an wonderful example of leaders who forgive the way Jesus does. We will miss working so closely with them. If you haven't had a change to try out the "Forgiveness matrix" I posted a few days ago, try it out. I found myself using it again last night so that I could better ask forgiveness from some dear friends (Burlingame leaders) whom I had hurt.

Early this morning I read from Colossians 3 - I was so impressed with the words, "And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are all called to live in peace. And always be thankful." (Verses 14-15). I want the first piece of clothing I put on to be "God's love." We are able to love because HE first loved us (I John 4:19).

Come join the crash at our new location - 3212 NE Ankeny St. Portland, Or. 97214 this Sunday at 10 a.m.

I'd love to hear from you - Brucea@livinghopechurch.com


Do you like "Sweet & Sour?"

This past weekend was a blend of troubled-hurt-mad-sad-glad-expectant-joyful-uneasy-numb-questioning . . . (the list of opposite feelings could go on). Why? We are joining both Portland Living Hope campuses into ONE. That's great news in terms of strength and unity. I believe with all my heart it will help us reach more people in Portland that desperately need to meet and fall in love, forever, with Jesus!

In practical terms, what this means is that our level of partnership with the Burlingame church is not the same as it has been for the past six weeks. We will not continue our Saturday night service at Burlingame. This is the sad part -and it was so painful seeing the hurt experience by those faithful Christ-followers at Burlingame church. Their willingness to risk working together with Living Hope will continue to grow them into an even more effective "Love Machine" of God's unending grace. Burlingame's pastor, Brad, will continue to meet with me and we will both rub off (touch and be agents of change) on each other! We will continue to pray and see how we can work together in the future. God up to something in the Burlingame community!

This Sunday brings us to a new time and location for our now "stronger" army of love (LOVE ALWAYS WINS - RIGHT?) -We will be meeting in the Laurelhurst Church (one amazing building). It's just off of Burnside and SE 32nd. We will start at 10 a.m. this Sunday morning. Please invite every person you can think of to this coming weeks service -it will be one not to forget! A lot of excitement was felt at the Convention Center on Sunday (THAT WAS OUR LAST SERVICE THERE AS WELL).

I'm very interested in seeing how we can add more people to our team in terms of helping this adventure blow away Portland with love! Even with both teams of helpers at our two previous campus coming together there is room for so many more people. Do you want to get involved - be a difference maker? Email me at Brucea@livinghopechurch.com or try leaving a message on my Portland number - 503.686.8040.

Be watching for more updates this week! (Do you like to cycle? I just got a bike after being hit by a car in April of 06 - It's so cool; a miracle story I'll tell sometime later . . . )


Scary Questions to Ask Yourself

I greeted my British chap, "Good Ol' Buddy," Friday morning with an verbal exclamation; "Oh My . . . I can't believe it!" I've been meeting every morning with this old Brit for the last nine years. What he said as we first met blew me away! It mirrored the illustration I had shared with the Burlingame leaders on Wednesday night. Who's my friend? Oswald Chambers - a guy dead for nearly 100 years (I read his classic devotion every day - 9 years going strong).

So Wednesday I was brain storming together with the Burlingame Church leaders what amazing plans God had for us in our joint venture in reaching people in Portland with God’s incredible love. I had just shared with them two stories and then challenged them to wrestle through the implications and questions. I reminded them that none of us can measure or assess the level of another person’s spiritual journey. I challenged them to ask the question my sweetheart (Laura – wife & best friend for 32 years this month) and I asked ourselves about four years ago. Here’s illustration and question (Try it on and sit how it fits you!): Life is no longer like a gentle river, instead it’s more like the rapids (even dipping into a rapid with a cup changes the water –it’s no longer a rapid). As Christ-followers we are called to not camp out or build forts on the shore, rather to get into the boat, cut the lines that hold it to the dock, and move out into the rapids. There IN THE RAPIDS we can best help people met Jesus and accept His forever love. Once in the rapids, if we listen, Jesus will ask us to get out of the boat. Some of us have responded, and we are outside the boat, walking on water. But it’s possible that we’re still hanging on, like someone learning to barefoot water ski, with one hand to the side of the boat. Just as Jesus invited Peter to walk away from the boat, towards him, we are called to do the same.

I reminded them of the question Laura and I had faced a few years ago, “If we could see even 10 more people fall in love, forever, with Jesus as a result of us being willing to change or risk more, wouldn’t it be worth the risk?

Burlingame’s leaders are choosing to listen, individually and collectively. They are courageous followers of Christ. Join us and do the same in your life: evaluate, in prayer, where you are! Are you: On the shore? In a boat tied us to the dock? In the rapids? Out of the boat, walking on water, but still hanging on? Are you taking those steps that could lead to a dunking (like Pete’s baptism of learning NOT to take his eyes off Jesus)?

Spend the time, no matter how hard, dark, or uncomfortable –it’s worth it. Besides Jesus will take you to a new high in knowing you were made for a reason; a really big one.

You are a difference maker in Jesus! Step out of the boat! Let go of the sides! You can walk on water!

TO READ Oswald Chamber's devotion click here!


A Forgiveness Matrix

Here’s my forgiveness template, its purpose is simple: I desire to drop all “magic words because they can never free me of the poison of unresolved hurt (inflicted by myself or others). I want to live out God's love to others. It starts with me. Friendship, love, trust, and forgiveness are never defined by a single event (It takes thousands of pixels to make a beautiful picture.) rather by the fabric, process, of living out our dreams, desires, and true beliefs. Time builds trust. It's all our experiences together that grows lasting friendships: the same is true of forgiveness.

Here’s my suggestion: use this matrix to first forgive yourself. List all the harm and the effects you’ve suffered from not forgiven yourself –then accept God’s perspective, His crazy-beyond-reasonable love for you ! You will then find free to live out this new love to others. It’s all about accepting the free gift of love.

This forgiveness is made up of what my friend, pastor John Bishop, calls the 3 D’s of forgiveness: Discover, Define, and then Dispose. Here are the elements that I use to walk, sometimes crawl; through forgiveness (I just used this template last week – then yesterday, who should I bump into but a person who wounded Laura and I very deeply some four years ago. The person who hurt us smiled, then approached us. They reached out and hugged us as if we were long lost friends. I won’t go into some of the mixed emotions we experienced, but I am so glad that I had just worked through this issue using this 3-D tool. Here it is:


1. Make a list of the Harm experienced: Betrayal, abandonment, insensitivity, selfish acts, hurtful words,, looks of rejection, contempt (Do this for all the failures, loses, and un-forgiven areas of your life.). Write, think, pray, until you have listed as much as you can remember in one sitting.


2. Write out the Lingering Effects: List the side-effects, the lasting tinges of guilt, the tendency to be afraid, crave safety, unsureness about yourself. Jot down any addictions, habits, fakeness, numbing of emotions, critical view of life and others . . . list all the ways your heart was broken –and the relationships you’ve struggled with as a result of not forgiving yourself! Note: these first two steps are painful but so valuable –unless we face the harm done in our lives we will naturally tend to discount our pain think ignoring or dismissing it will make it go away. Some of the greatest injury comes from the unresolved poison of past hurts that have been covered up, but never destroyed.


3. I Won’t lug it around anymore: Letting go of our past failures is very feasible when you’ve put in the hard work of the first two steps. You are now ready share your pain with God by handing it over to Him.. Our perspective determines our expectations. We expect less when we view ourselves as less! Expect God listen as you share the reality of your past pain. Sharing this with God is part of the “process” –put in the hard work in steps one and two and you will find freedom in talking this out with God. I find it to be a huge benefit in taking my list and physically destroying it (burn it, shred it, or flush it)! My favorite disposal technique is the paper shredder. I love the sound! As you are annihilating it, sing out a pray of thankfulness for the freedom that is on it’s way. Don’t worry about whether you may need to repeat this process again (For time to time I find a bit of residual poison and use this tool (gift) to become more conscious of God’s love and acceptance.)


4. Review your boundaries: The placement of this step is very important. Often we have used the idea of “boundaries” as a kind of pop-psychology tool to simply push others away or simply feed our own selfishness. Healthy boundaries are ways of reinforcing our uniqueness and that of others too. For example, one my boundaries are that I don’t want to eat “delightful” foods alone (NY Cheesecake). I choose to use these kinds of food to celebrate and add to my friendship with others. When I eat “great food” alone I find I’m often trying to cover up some disappointment or unfair experience. By using this boundary I keep growing in my awareness that I’m Ok no matter what circumstances come my way –good or bad. Try listing some ways you can reinforce the truth that you are one of God’s beautiful kids – so loved, so wonderfully created in His image (Psalm 139). Boundaries are good –like skin, or a picture frame, they are to add to the reality that You are amazing work of art –created to love and grow friendships forever.

5. There is no longer any debt: You are now ready to consciously, physically, forgive yourself. God has already canceled the debt –you can too! Say the words; “I no longer have any debt. God has set me free. I’m free because love and forgiveness was to me, by God, even before I was born.” This is a powerful time to read the following Bible passages (These are but a few of my favorites) –Ephesians 1:4-5; 2:1-10; Romans 5:6-10; Isaiah 44:22. God loved us because He wanted to and we had nothing to do with Him choosing to love us (like a parent loving a new born child). I forgive myself because God already forgave me. Jump up and down in your new acceptance of yourself. You are acting out what God has already said about you (I John 4).

6. Reconciliation: We are now ONE with God. Our senses are limited, but God’s perspective is so much more. We can grow in the acceptance of who we are right now –God’s kids! (Note: this is the only step that isn’t always possible when forgiving others –it’s there free choice. Some people will only be reconciled with us in heaven.)

Once you have forgiven yourself you are then ready to use this same matrix in walking through the harm others have done to you. I recommend you try this first in dealing with the pain you’ve experience with a parent. Then use it for the relationships of abandonment or abuse you’ve never though you could revisit. This matrix is simply a tool, but when used with prayer, and acted out, it can move you to think amazing levels of freedom. You will see God’s love flowing into and then out of you towards others. God will bless you on this brave new adventure. Try it soon! LIVE LOVE!


Saturday Night Lights - More about the story

“Every good and perfect gift is from above. . . ” wrote Jesus’ half-brother James. God never changes and you can count on Him (James 1:17). All that is good is a gift given by someone! When you look up what do you see? Who do you see? How strong or big the person you look up to is of little value if their not good for you.

Last night (Sat.) two very cool (handsome and beautiful) kids stood fearlessly on stage and read from Hebrews 12:1-2. They had never done this before. They were practiced, having prepared for their debut. But we had forgotten to turn on their wireless mikes (someone told me afterwards they thought we had left them off on purpose to add to our point). It really was a accident that added to my opening thought. We were all built to want to win (do good, be a blessing, be accepted, recognized). But when we mess up it tends to make us afraid to try again. Everyone could see the kid's struggle to adjust to the "unexpected" situation and finish well. Even the applause didn't fix their feeling of "losing." As a adults we could so identify with these kids (Alec and Bailey)! We all grow when others love and accept us as we are!

Much of my life I operated as a human doing instead of living out the gift of being a human BEING. Why? Mostly because I didn’t see a big God as being good for me. I c blamed myself and my own poor choices. I shrugged my shoulders and sometimes blamed some indefinable fate. I could so easily and tortuously, be killing myself in the bitterness of how unfair and unkind my world was. I felt unheard and picked on in high school (only my dad’s amazing communication skills and generous financial investments in local education got me back in school (I was suspended six times my 9th grade year and two more times before I graduated). Today my youngest son is graduating! Marcus got suspended when he was in 4th grade. I was devastated! He had been paying an 8th grader, on the bus, to do his math homework (.25 cents at a shot). Marcus is planning on focusing on business leadership in college. As humans we are up and down the scales of consistency when it comes to be good for someone else (or even our self). But God claims He is good for us “all the time.” Here’s a really big question: Is there someone “good” in your life who will always be there to lift you up, rescuing you, restore your hope, your belief that everything will be alright.

When I told the story last night (Sat.) of our son Gordon’s Rose festival race in 1982 and the trophy that we had already purchased for him, I was retelling the story of God’s promise that He is always good for us, all the time! It’s very hard to believe this “unbelievable claim.” If it’s true it means much of the hurt from past screw-ups and failure by others is no longer able to hurt us or keep us in prisons of fear (Perfect love –God throws out fear, I Jn. 4:18).

Tomorrow I’m going to post a forgiveness matrix that has so helped me to believe that “I’ve already won” and God is always good in my life (it lists some of my favorite Bible texts). Check it out and then share it with a friend. Forgiveness and the belief that nothing in your past can destroy the present is the first step to really being free to love others as freely as God FIRST loved you! Remember, “hurt people, hurt people.” We have to forgive ourselves first, before we can forgive others well.

How well do you forgive yourself? I believe that to forgive our self and accept love as a gift that is always being poured into our life (even when we refuse it, it’s still right next to us, waiting for us to drink in in) is our greatest need! It’s when God’s free gift of love is being accepted into my life that I can love and accept others without judging them or even worrying about how well they accept my love to them!

Just trying harder to love others is a human-doing trick, it’s the opposite of accepting the gift of being a human BEING! Love is only received. Our letting it in allows God to pour it back out to others. It’s not a job we do, not work. It’s relaxing and letting God use us – pour through us with his Love. Love always wins! Drink in the gift of love right now!