
New way to play "Hide and Seek"

I felt it on Sunday afternoon, about 3:30 p.m. to be precise! It was that old personality twitch again, my desire to hear “my love-language” via “words of affirmation.”

The Convention service was amazing! The response to John's call to be honest about pain in our lives, to see God suffering with us, to come to Him and be real, all of it was so life-changing, inspiring. I helped facilitate a class following the service and it was so thrilling to see people who had never been to Living Hope, many of them still damp, glowing from their Easter baptism, join me. Some had come last week for the first time, like the guy who Jason invited in from the “body, mind, and spirit” conference (This guy accepted Jesus at the end of the service! WOW! Way to be there Jason!). Several of our new leaders for the Fresh Start class (soon to be a LifeGroup) were there, including Dennis Blevens.

Dennis was the guy I wanted to call at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. I wanted to ask Dennis how I did facilitating the class. Why? I’ve taught classes for almost thirty years (Yes, I started teaching when I was 6!). I wanted to hear Dennis, distinguished former teacher from Multnomah School of the Bible, a coach to pastors around the globe, a super-teacher-wonder-pastor-mentor dude, say, "Good Job Bruce!"

“Dennis, what did you think?” my mind called out more than once. Well, I didn’t call Dennis, and today’s devotional from my old British chap friend made me glad I didn’t. Let me paraphrase his words: Living in the moment of my society isn’t my trap, nor is consciously rebelling against God; my trap, as a Christ-follower is I so passionately desire spiritual success! Oswald (read his devotional – here) says the problem is that our "definition of spiritual success" is patterned after “religion.” I think he's right! I look for what can be measured, counted, and will make a great “Chicken-soup-book” story! I love to see it, then write it down on paper (and privately brag to myself).

Oswald’s words hit me hard, Never seek after anything other than approval of God.” The devotion ends by saying that many religious leaders are little more than “dictators.” To avoid this my Brit friend says “Stay hidden with Christ in God –Colossians 3:3.”

Hide your heart from seeking approval from others, and hide, be safe, only in the reality that God is smiling at you. His spirit, Jesus’ presence, is IN you! You are HIS kid!

I saw so many people, Like Christy Davidson, working such long hours with little notice –what fueled them? I saw how Dondi rolled with the punches that some of the “not so friendly Convention staff” threw. She treated them as Jesus would and does! Why? They keep their hearts “hid in Jesus” only.

When my “love language” is the presence of Jesus, then any words or smiles from others simply becomes "berry purée" on an already wonderful New York Cheesecake!

Jesus is the both the reason and the source!

Play hide before you seek! Hide in Jesus and you’ll not become addicted to seeking your value and affirmation from Jesus!


Easter goes to Court

Whenever I see people reaching out to their neighbors, co-workers, and especially strangers, with the same acceptance Jesus has for them I get very excited.

For this blog I won’t use her name, but I will say, “I can’t forget the look in her eyes as I baptized her on Easter Sunday.” Five years earlier this ladies’ husband died of cancer. It was so sudden. The lost of a husband, father and a sudden financial squeeze –the grieving, depression . . . everything, it was almost impossible to bear. The kids struggled so much through these dark months. Then into this tragedy a neighbor, Colleen stepped. Laura and I have been friends with Colleen and her family for a long time. We did ministry together, devoured pizza, admired home improvement projects; I was privileged to baptize two of their kids (Both are in the Kid's World Band now - Watching them on stage Fri. night at our Family Night out was so cool. Katie Bishop led and the energy and fun was way over the top for God - It was one very fun night!). We are made for deep meaningful relationships. I had no idea how much Colleen’s choice to love on this hurting family would bless me, my own faith, and so many other people as well.

Colleen was so nervous when she first approached her neighbor; one of the rumors was they were “God haters.” But Colleen stepped into her own Jordon and the result are beyond amazing – their eternal! Colleen and her family kept just being there and loving this family. It after this lady’s husband had been buried that Laura and I were able to meet her in her home. The burden of the stress, bills, and unsettled life was about to drown this single mom. It was there that we opened our hearts, the Bible, and a picture of Jesus love that is a gift that is totally free, never earned or deserved. It was such a joy to share Jesus and see her say yes to the GIFT OF LIFE.

Jesus’ love, His Father’s love – their the exact same. God is mad-in-love with us (John 3:16-18). God’s love is THE gift, offered to us before we even knew He existed (like a new born infant totally unaware of their parent’s love (Romans 5:6-20, Ephesians 2:1-10). This very moment we can know we are God’s forever-friends and that we will live in His love forever – we ARE His kids (I John 5:11-13) !

Fast forward with me four years from this “I’m God’s Kid” moment (the moment of knowing you know you are forever safe in Jesus) this lady had experience. We had lost contact with new baby Christ-follower. Like many of us, this grieving "daughter of the King" had fallen into a deep pit of discouragement. Finding a job, dealing with issues in her home, fear, . . . it so quickly tears us down, isolates us, makes feel like we failed. Now after four years this same lady is standing in a swimming pool, in the Rose Garden, Easter morning, waiting for me to baptize her into Jesus forever arms of love. As she came up out of the water, her eyes glowed in an inhuman, most beautiful way. Again, my heart exploded with the resolution God put there many years ago, “There is no price to high to pay, no mountain too tall, no difficulty to great” when comes to seeing lost people find out God has never left them and will love them, for free, forever! Forever friendship with God, there's nothing better! The words of my pastor and friend, fellow worker John Bishop is so true, “Lost people do matter to God.”

But this Easter story isn’t over. Just a couple days after her baptism this lady son was arrested at a late night party and put up in the local slammer. Because of Easter, God’s perfect timing was so clearly seen. My wife, Laura, was able to sit with this mom and pray as her son stood before the judge. Just a couple of days after getting out of jail, this young man left a message inviting Laura and me to meet and pray with him. Wow! Only God knew how much this lady needed strength and how much her baptism would surround her with new friends and renewed hope! God is even now reaching out to her kids! Only God!

Who is God asking you to smile on, invite to the Convention center this Sunday, show kindness to, pray for? Stop. You an read this blog later – go and call, email, drive over and make that forever difference! Do it now! I’m so glad that five years ago Colleen listened to God and took that scary walk down the street to offer love to a hurting neighbor – another one of God’s kids is home safe!

We all have but one life to live –let’s go, full speed (Rhino hyper-pace-speed) ahead. CRASH ON!

We love BECAUSE he 1st loved us! I John 4:19

Matthew 25: 34-40
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’


Purple Cows @ the Rose Garden


Last weekend we saw our first service at the Convention center - 700 + people showed up - it was amazing! Envite, bring, be there with a friend!

I could keep going on Easter stories, but will only share a few more!

My friend Charles saw a "purple cow" moment (idea of being remarkable pitched in a couple of popular books - My wife, Laura, is currently reading the one; THE BIG MOO! Good book!)

Anyway, Charles and his family expected lots of glitz once they worked their way into the Rose garden, but what surprised them greatly was to find Krispy Kreme dougnuts waiting for them when they parked in the Rose quarter parking garage - They were even more surprised to get a whole box as they were leaving (To those who thought of the dougnuts - You are what adds to the remarkableness that really does make a difference in people's lives!

When people see us "giving more" than they expected it says, "we really think YOU'RE IMPORTANT!" Keep up those extra smiles, those unexpected "kindness acts." We are remarkable! God is alive IN us! ONLY GOD!

Tomorrow: An Easter reunion that took more than 5 years to ripen!


More stories from Easter (ONE of my favorites!)

Easter baptisms were almost over and I was beginning feel the chill. Then I heard my name being called. It was coming from the vicinity of our nationally recognized photographer, Kassi White, who was one of those furiously busy Canon/Nikon “recorders of God’s miracles on Easter.”

“Hey, Bruce” the soft, well educated voice lassoed my attention; it was my friend Charles. I turned to see my agnostic-believer friend (Thanks Charles for accepting this label from me) reaching out his hand. My wet, soon to be slightly water-logged, hand grasp his.

“I’ve got to go.” Polite smile. “You the man!” His genuine smile won out.

“Are you going to get baptized before you leave?” I matched and raised the bet. Life is a high stakes game (THE Game!).

“Nice try, but not this time. I’ll see you later.” I was again baptising yet another miracle-touched person.

I had eaten breakfast in Beaverton with my friend Charles last week. He was openly skeptical about our Rose Garden venture. He felt the cost to be to high. I begged him to bring his family, if only for Laura and me. (I used the “good friends” guilt trip). Imagine my surprise when Charles called Sunday, about 9 a.m., to tell me they were on their way.

I called him after he emailed me with his “story.” I asked if I could post his thoughts (below) and it was then that he said “You money was well spent!” He is a very educated man, with far too many early years of religious facts and theology crowding out more important stories and experience of Jesus as a friend. He is an honest seeker, often not even knowing it (see the last half of Acts 17). His family is wonderful, and I so enjoy hanging out with him. We ended our phone call, I was in Portland at the time, with me reminding him that I still wanted him to experience a “very non-religious” Jesus in his own life. I want Charles’ life, his family’s life, to be transformed by the personal invasion of my friend Jesus. Charles is the reason why I will burn out, give out, be used up, and poured out . . . FOR JESUS. If one more person see, falls in love with, and is transformed by Jesus, it’s worth everything I could possibly give.

Here’s the greater part of Charles' letter. After reading it – pause for a moment and hear the name of the person the Spirit is whispering to you – “I died for that girl, than man, that person!” We do love, BECAUSE He 1st loved us (I John 4:19).

"Wow, what a production! Even by my cynical standards I was quite impressed. Yesterday's entire program, from the donuts in the parking lot (nice touch, I had several) to the blue shirted ushers, kid bags, and slick booklets was exceptional. All in all it was a most amazing bit of confidence and showmanship for a flock that 10 years ago didn't exist and whose main branch still meets in what would pass for most other mainline church's fellowship hall. Very impressive indeed.

I sat for a long while watching you and the others Work the Water. Much as I did the first time I saw it at Brush Prairie my initial reaction was to shake my head in disquiet. Where were the baptismal classes of my youth? The robes? The little washrag that you put over their face before they sink under the waves? Who wants to walk home in wet clothes? As I watched the seemingly never-ending line of eager acolytes streaming down the aisle next to me I was also put off by the seemingly spur of the moment emotionalism of it all. About that time a big impeccably dressed black guy moved past my seat on his way to the pool. My first though was that SURELY he would at least take off his silk tie when his time came.

But as I continued to watch I began to see that people who were awaiting their watery date with destiny didn't seem like wide eyed fanatics caught up in the frenzy of the moment. They were not at all like the many kids at the end of a church school’s Week of Prayers, who were deified by Friday and disillusioned by Monday. No, most of these folk appeared to be simply following through on a decision calmly reached and well considered. I kept my attention on the tall black guy and sure enough, when he climbed the ladder down into what I'm sure must have been the frigid pool he had removed only his shoes and socks. Guess he had decided to make the ultimate commitment to embrace the moment and let a Higher Power sort out the future. For both his life and his silk tie. I had to admire that sort of belief, even as I at the same time rejected it –envy that leads to resentment. These days my heart is so hardened against religion that it makes Pharaoh's seem as soft as warm butter.

My wife and kids drove off for another appointment, so I walked down to the station and caught the Max for home. Sitting right across from me were two girl who appeared to be freshmen or sophomores in high school. They were in full-on punk rock goddess mode. The requisite ripped jeans, raccoon make-up, piercings, and matching Rancid t-shirts. Interestingly enough as I sat down they were in the midst of a very bitter screed about religion. How they hated having it forced down their throats by society and how much they would love to take a Bible to school and rip it's pages out to freak out their teachers and classmates. Ouch, these were some truly pissed off young hellions, although how much was true and how much was for show no one knows: I’m guessing about 50/50 in the teenage angst vs. adult-button-pushing game. But as we pulled up in front of Saturday Market, it finally dawned on me what they were so put out about. Why did they seem to hate religion so much? Apparently they were gleefully contemplating biblical desecration, or worse, because they were torqued off that... wait for it... ALL THE STORES AND MALLS WERE CLOSED FOR EASTER and they had no place to hang out and show off the badass look they had obviously worked so hard to attain and cultivate. I almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of that chain of thought. But I quickly caught myself, they might have plucked a few of those big safety pins off their artfully torn clothes and inflicted some very nasty wounds all over my exposed flesh. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. So I just smiled in bemusement as they leapt out the door and into their waiting audience. The final irony? The last words out of their mouths when the doors opened were, in unison, "Thank God that this place is open". Thank God? C'mon, stay in character, shouldn't you be praising Beelzebub?...

I thought about it the rest of the way home. How foolish and misplaced their disgust with, if not outright hatred of, religion seemed. How short sighted and shallow their childish words had sounded to me. Of course it didn't take very many minutes of musing before I had to break into a big smile. Aside from the Rockport shoes, Dockers slacks, and Haggar shirt I didn't look or sound much different than those ratty appearing punkettes (although I will always be more of an Aerosmith kind of guy). My goofy gripe with God jerking my chain about "The Plan", or the lack of one, makes about as much sense as their anger with the Big Man for not rising on a Wednesday and shutting down the malls on a day when they would be in school anyway. Not that accepting the absurdity of a position makes it any less real and troubling; either to me or those young Rancid fans.

I wonder what the first thought of that nattily attired black man and those raggedy dressed girls was this morning when they opened their eyes and faced the first day after an Easter they had briefly and unknowingly shared within blocks of each other? How could three people be so close in proximity, yet so far apart in perception? Hey wait, I suppose the very same way I could, can, and do –daily."

“Eternal life is NOT* a gift from God; eternal life IS* the gift of God.” – Oswald Chambers (Old British chap)

Tomorrow - the "over the edge" extra that Charles saw in the parking lot before entering the Rose Garden - it's really cool (send this blog to a friend. Pray for Portland!)
*emphasis added


My Easter-After Monday (Tue. for me)

I'm sitting in a Hollywood Coffee shop in Portland, having just met with two men who are so tired of being a church that has seen only two baptisms this past year. They are so excited to use their gifts in our new Burlingame campus (soft-launch May 5).

What a Monday (Tues. - Mon. is my day off). I still see the look of little Bailey and her mom April (they were on the front page of the Monday Columbian paper). What a story of many people reaching out in love. I first met April at a church plant I pastored a few years ago. She then took a station-break and then reappeared at Living Hope a little over a year ago. One of the first persons she saw was Christy Davidson, a former Oasis Kid's Word leader, and current leader of our campus Kids-world. All of Christy's love was instantly splashed over her!

April's story is one of being having to leave a very difficult living condition and do life on her own at age 15. She's had cancer and survived to pour her heart into our six year old child, Bailey. I saw them on Saturday and they asked me if I would baptise Bailey, as I baptized April at Living Hope last year. I was so excited, but in all the excitement on Sunday they couldn't find the swimming pool I was in - God is so big, and SO good! He knew exactly where they needed to be. Seeing them afterwards in the volunteer parking lot and then again Monday on the front page was just as good as actually baptising them.

After everything was done, we only had an hour to grab something to eat before rushing off to another appointment. We had to drop off some of our friends on the Max so we ended up at Applebee's - We met some Afro-American folk and told them about Living Hope. Then we spotted pastor Will (Mt. Zion Baptist) whose whole church has just merged with Living Hope. We brought him over and well . . . Easter just hasn't stopped.

The repairman who came to our house on Monday is a recovering Catholic but had seen the picture of Bailey - and, well . . . Easter isn't over yet!

Be watching . . . More stories of people I baptised . . . coming soon!

ONLY GOD - see you at the Convention center this Sun. (11 a.m.)

Pastor John's Story (Click)


Rewind & Fast Forward (EASTER @ the ROSE GARDEN


April fools jumped up and bit me! Like a little Chihuahua it payed me back big time. I had earlier, 8:31 a.m., played an "April fool-ish trick" on the Lead pastor of our future Saturday night site, Burlingame. Brad laughed and took it well. Now fast forward to about 1 p.m. Brad calls me and excitedly shares that his faithful band of about 100 warriors, his church, had raised $48,000 to help us launch the new Burlingame campus. I KNEW he was paying me back. No matter how hard he tried, I wouldn't bite (or swallow)!

Tuesday of this week, while with Brad at the church I saw this reality - it had grown even more; The Burlingame church had raised $57,000 in cash to help prepare for our new launch! ONLY GOD! How could 100 people who had listened to Brad and I share in their service (for about 15 minutes) respond in this way?

Fast forward:
Many of them will be joining us after their early service at the Rose Garden. Together, different churches, with unique names, working together will turn Portland upside down! Only God!

Some 2,000 years ago Jesus crashed into lives, planet earth, in a human body! Then in the ultimate act of love (John 3:15-17; Ephesians 1:4-5; I John 4:19) He chose to die in a collision that see everyone free to accept His forever love! My sweetheart, Laura, looked at me this morning as we spoke of this crash and said two words -COLLIDE & ABIDE! Jesus is the ultimate collision and because of that we can rest, abide in His love!

Keep crashing ahead with love, lots of smiles, and invitations to Easter. But don't forget to pause and abide. See pastor John's blog