
Interruptions, Fixing cars, Stumptown

I'm sitting out front of a very cool coffee shop (it serves Stumptown coffee) waiting for my son's car to get fixed; my friend Jason has just showed up, the sun (and SON) is warm! "Wait Jason, I've got to finish this blog. I've go to share this." Jason smiles, "OK." Just about 15 min. before a young man begging for change had stopped by my hangout spot. He was so beat up, beat down, and lost. God made me cry out for him. When he asked for change for a phone call I answered him with a strong, "NO!" I then replied, "But I'll give you some money anyway." I dug out two bucks and handed it to him, I told him to wait, I had more but the guilt of not feeling he deserved "grace" was already on him (he was in serious need of a fix). He kept saying no, this is enough for a call. I left him with the words "God bless your life today." and have been praying for the mystical, supernatural presence of Jesus to say what human words can't - "You are my kid. I chose you before I made this world (Ephesians 1:4-5), realize, see, simply say 'yes' to My love. I can change you, and help you see the value I placed on you for free! Come here, I'll touch you and heal you my child."

Here is the prayer (I try to write these daily) I wrote out on my lap-top after meeting my "nameless friend." I've edited it slightly, but it's what God and I were talking about - As you read it, let God whisper whatever He wants to into your heart. "God bless you."

"Dear Father,

Oh how my heart breaks for the young man who just asked for change ( phone call money?). He is so lost, so locked in slavery, so little hope left in his eyes (he was afraid to look into mine). Father, I’m so rich on every level and so full of thoughts about myself (right now blessings and hope re. future ministry). Please God, take some of my joy and peace and let it seep, splash, or splatter onto your son (phone money-kid) who is running from all that is bright and good – You walking so close to him, please let him know You.

I again invite you to erase the irrelevant, the trumped up religious thoughts, actions, and medicating flake-ness of theology that’s a Band-Aid for the hunger U place in me; a deep thirst to be with U and realize the friendship U call me to (the original Eden plan for all humans)!

Take my great plans for good and my nice activities in ministry and dissolve them with your passion and the realization that “because I’m Your kid” every thought, situation, and life-experience today is a wonderful opportunity for U to be strong and good in someone else’s life! I love you and pray that my one passion stay as consistent as my cell phone bill –“I say YES to Your presence, aliveness in and then out of me. Flow uninhibited, full of Your amazing hope, everywhere I go, to everyone I meet!

Your son,

Bruce "

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