
Christmas Eve

Pastor John had a survey attached to his blog that surveyed people across the country to see whether you opened presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Ours is Christmas Eve. My sweetheart Laura is an ICU nurse and has to work on Christmas Eve. Visit my blog after Christmas and I'll share some of our fun traditions. (If I tell you now I might give away a surprise. You'll see).

As I look forward to our Laurelhurst Candlelight service today, I was thinking of how many men God is using to touch a hurting world in Portland, OR. Here's a picture of Jeff bringing five of us guys together for breakfast to plan and dream ONLY GOD dreams for men in Portland. Doug's camera took this picture; Jeff is on the far, distant right. Next to Will is Dennis and holding up the far left is Ray (Can you figure out who Doug is?).

Four other guys I want to highlight this morning: Don Taylor (lion outfit below), Robert Hill and Robert Hill (both of them) and John Toy. Don has been a servant with Laura and I for eight years (+). His amazing wife has earned her wings trying to keep Don on track. Don was our "bad" Santa on the Max last week. (The Mall authorities kicked him out - two Santas are too much.) Don has the gift of "helps" and more. He tirelessly gives and gives. He's that last minute guy and a great problem solver. I will never forget baptizing Don in an all black church. (He was the church treasure, I was the guest.) Don was being re-baptized and wanted to have it done at his former church. I'm so inspired by the tireless giving of so many of you. Thank you so much for giving your one and only life for God!

Many of you know the Robert Hill that helps with set-up, offering, and in almost any other way he can. Robert was a member of Will's church and has stepped in at Laurelhurst with his whole heart. A Robert Hug can make your day. He's got a huge heart for God. Robert's work shift has changed and so we've missed him this last month. He'll be back. Loved the hug this last Friday night.

The other Robert Hill I met at Prairie a couple of years ago. He's my Native brother and we've lifted weights together, laughed, eaten great salmon (he's one good cook) and cried over some huge broken pieces in his life. When Robert's wife abandoned their marriage, Robert really believed life for him had ended. Little did he know the master touch of Jesus and how he would not only be given a new heart, but Robert dropped religion, opened his hands and accepted grace. Last year I performed the wedding for Robert and his wonderful new bride (one very, very sweet, so-in-love-with Jesus lady). Robert has joined me from the very first when I began to dream about Portland. I've spent so many hours driving around Portland, praying, showing Robert possible locations before the Rose Garden ever happened. Thank you Robert for playing Cowboys and Indians with me (you win - you've got a life long - and beyond friend).

The last guy I want to highlight is Robert Toy. Robert heads our set-up/tear-down team. He not only pours his heart into a sometimes thankless job but he does it with pure joy. Robert is becoming one of my close friends and I can hardly wait to see what 2008 will bring to our ministry and friendship. Thank you Robert for such faithful sharing of your gifts, love for Jesus, and consistent joy.

I think my next blog will be a few of the stories of Laurelhurst members sharing how using our Charlie Brown thank you cards can make a huge difference. Thank someone today for how God had used them to bless your life. (I'll tell you about Rosa from Walmart in my next blog.)

"God SO loved that He gave . . . God is love . . . No greater love can be found than to lay down your life . . . while we were weak, sinners, yes even enemies with God we were brought near, reconciled, by the death of Jesus Christ" (From the book of John, I John, and Romans).

Merry Christmas dear Laurelhurst Rhinos: Give thanks to God and so His love to others (email me with your stories of kindness acts to others - Brucea@livinghopechurch.com.

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