
Christmas Clutter

Laura and I have been quickly grabbing a few items for the last three weeks, in the "Clutter Ultimatum" for our Laurelhurst campus giveaway. We have also had several conversations about our mental clutter.

It was dark, wet, and very quiet when I got to my office this morning and it felt so good to sit with my old friend from across the pond (English dude bud-friend for the last 9 years) and reflect on what matters most.

Oswald (my UK mentor) said this to me; "Why does not God save me? He has saved me, but I have not entered into relationship with Him. Why does not God do this and that? He has done it, the point is - Will I step into covenant relationship? All the great blessings of God are finished and complete, but they are not mine until . . . ."

"Hmm" I replied, "If I've already got this amazing relationship with God, but I have so much 'this and that' as you put it, that God hasn't given me, what do I need to do?"

Os smiled and softly said, "Waiting for God is incarnate unbelief, it means that I have no faith in Him; I wait for Him to do something in me that I may trust in that." You see, God's nuts about us - He said so in Genesis 1 and reminded us in Paul's letter to Ephesus (Check it out). But God is waiting, very patiently for our response. Friendships are never fear-based, never forced. (That's what religion does- NOT God!)

Chambers and I had a wonderful time this morning (I won't bore you with all the details) and I wrote in my journal these words:

"Real, alive, authentic relationships are always "choice driven." The very word, 'relationship' denotes a number larger than one (I'm guessing 'three' is the smallest number for a good relationship). The BIGGEST Being in the universe has already, before time began, fallen madly in love with me! I want to say yes so many times more this day to your offer of forever friendship. I am YOURS! This is THE gift of forever friendship; thank you Jesus! I John 4:18-19; John 3:16-17

Read my British Chaps words for yourself:
Modern English
(Easy reading - not as accurate)

Original Oswald


Anonymous said...

"Friendships are never fear-based, never forced." But isn't the fear of enternity in hell or separated from GOD what is the basis for securing that "friendship"?

Anonymous said...

Dear friend,

I camp a great deal on I John 4:18-19 because I've never seen a healthy relationship that is fear based. Jesus never appealed to people using hell to motivate them (the parable of that speaks of hell is re. those who won't listen no matter what). I also place a lot of trust in that simple, yet powerful passage in John 3:16-17. If you say yes to God's "SO MUCH" love then you have no fear of the judgment. Jesus' appeal to hurting , sin damaged people was never one of fear - just the opposite. I try to read John 14-17 once a month. The world will know and believe in Jesus when they see supernatural love (just like Jesus and His Father).

No Fear!