
Nothing Better!

Late night - 12:30 p.m. to bed (getting up at 5 is tough). It was worth it! I was holding my little granddaughter at 11:30+ lastnight and I had this deep sense of how much God wired us to be in passionate, real, alive relationships. I loved today's Oswald Chambers (see my fav. on the side bar of my blog). He uses the word "say-so." I've never known what a say-so meant - it's a cool word. Loved his thoughts - so perfect for me.

Our son's band, Gordon Avenue, played at the Hawthorne Theater in the Hollywood district lastnight. They got a great response (Gordon had been sick for 4 days and couldn't talk before the show), God really helped him with his voice.

Some of our Life Group met for Thai at this absolutely amazing place before the show - it's on SE Sandy Blvd. - wow. I'll give a full update soon (I hope), as well as a very cool Bible search engine I just found (it's cool).

Talk more later - I'm heading to the local jail; and my sweetheart's birthday is today too (Oh us boys got her the coolest clothes and jewelry - WOW, WOW!). I am perhaps the luckiest man on this planet (I'll explain later my own definition of luck).


Brent.in.kona said...

Congrats Marcus, you rock Gordon, happy birthday Laura and Ps Bruce...you are awesome!
blessings from Hawaii.

Unknown said...

Whoa a baby! So cuteee! Congratulations on her she is adorable!

-Brittany M

Unknown said...

Whoa a baby! How cute she is adorable congratulations on that! Hope all is going good =]
