
Hello planet EARTH, I've just touched down!

OK, 5 of my 6 faithful readers have so consistently encouraged me to blog that I've "reassessed" and "recalculated my route" and I'm back on my blog. (I even forgot my password . . . too many years gone by . . .)

This weekend I'm going to share one of the cutest videos ever made. (Thank you Terry L for the early morning shoot!) And I'm throwing in a clip just for guys too! All this takes place at our Living Hope Church in Portland.
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I'm speaking at our Portland church at 10 a.m. and I'm so excited to have my oldest son leading us in music. Come hang out with us!

ALSO - on Oct. 11th (Saturday) a bunch of us are doing a little "golf outing" in a beautiful, yet inexpensive, location . . . let me know if you'd like to join us. . .

And either tonight or tomorrow I'll be sharing some 4 month old pictures of our first granddaughter and a story about last week when I preached to 1,200 people in nothing but my shorts (no shirt, no socks, no footwear)! No it was not a dream! I didn't plan it this way, but what happened is so amazing that it literally made me cry! I'm so anxious to share this story . . . soon . . . promise! I am back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have your blog back, it is one of the first things I check each day when I log on. I've been disappointed since you ran out of time to blog last August. You even chose to fire it back up on my birthday. What a thoughtful and clever guy. But seriously, don't wait another two months again to keep sharing your thoughts, photos and humor with us. Both you and they are appreciated by your followers out here in cyberland.

Welcome back friend.