
Please join Laura and I - This Sunday @ 7 pm

Laura and I would so love to have you disrupt your plans this Sunday afternoon and join us for our son's concert at the Hawthorn Theater. Our son's band, Gordon Avenue, is playing through a new booking company and we are very excited for this mini-Christmas Concert (one Christmas song - ha). Four other bands will be playing.

Here's the deal - the tickets are only available online and none will be sold at the door. Even if you don't want to go you could buy tickets and support a great musician (Gordon is now working on his second album - an acoustic one). If you can make it or you want to send someone else it's all for a great Christmas boy - Gordo!

Hawthorn Theater in Portland
Sunday, Dec. 6, 7 p.m.
Ticket web site: http://tickets.aftonshows.com/Gordonavenue
or check it out at www.Gordonavenue.com

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