
LIfe in 2010 - My Agnostic Friend sends $1 to India

"I'll pay for you to come hang with me at the Gordon Avenue, Battle of the Bands show tonight." I wasn't desperate, just promoting! I shamelessly plug my son's amazing band (Try reading the words to perhaps, his most violent song - Gordon's blog is a must read - LINK UP right now).

My friend (the $1 guy) is a Salvador Dali of the English language when it comes to the art of writing. He's smart (way) and also very numb to the plastic religious rhetoric of our prehistoric voodo fears (lies wrapped up in King Jimmy colloquium) that make "Religion" evil. He's sarcasm and pessimism blended in a powerful juicy blend. I love this guy! Every time I think of my "$1" friend I'm reminded of Acts 17 and the hidden reality that "God is really much closer to us than we can imagine. (bga translation). I will always choose relationship over religion.

So, at the "you-could-catch-something" Satyricon I met my very sincere agnostic friend (he's a very loyal guy) and we caught up on the Foo Fighters and some really great movies that we hope to watch together this year. Without warning my friend reaches into his right pocket and deposits his $1 on the cement counter (CSI would have so much fun analyzing the past mayhem of this establishment ). "I don't believe in your God," his smile and twinkling eyes matched his enjoyment of the moment. "But I do," he continued, "believe in you, my friend." To which I whipped out my pen and promptly asked him to sign his dollar. I promised to carry his dollar to India and I also warned him that my Best friend-Creator-God can do big things with $1 agnostic, U.S. bills!

The show was the best Gordon Avenue has done (they won the evening competition and are now in the finals). Seeing fans sing along, and the great energy - it's so cool. My friend casually mentioned, before he left, that he reads my Pastor Dude-friend John's emails, blogs, and other communication (Pastor John we're team-wrestling this guy for God - pretty sure we'll win). S my friend is moved by the movement of somebody to DO SOMETHING! Hey what will you DO with your "one and only life." Who will you invest richly in? "We can't do everything, but we all can do something!" (Guess who said that these last few months?). Pray for that agnostic dollar (and the giver) - I'm very excited to see what the Best Being in all the Universe will do with this very significant move. Let me say it again, "Every $1 Laura and I take to India with us will make a forever difference in the life of someone who is NOW in darkness!" Keep checking in on the latest re. our trip (lhceast.com).

What you invest in, with all your passion will shape your values and dreams! Who should you spend more time with right now? "It is possible to give freely and become more wealthy, but those who are stingy will lose everything." Proverbs 11:24

"But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice," Philippians 1:18

1 comment:

Samigirl88 said...

This is so exciting, Bruce! The show was indeed the best ever :D I can't wait to see the wonderful things God will do through you, Laura, Gordon, and the rest of the team over in India, and that $1 from your agnostic friend. God's work is so apparent today, it is hard to imagine how someone can continue to deny His existence. Love you! ~Sami