
New shoes, Three word prayers, & a cool Acoustic Show

NONE OF MY three faithful readers bugged me about posting my famous "three word prayers!" Come on guys, your letting me down :)

My favorite 3-word prayer is, "I am Yours!" I breathe this out in the a.m. and often throughout the day; why? It's the bases of great friendships -the reason for our existence. We were built to BE in powerful, life-transforming friendships. And any (that's a big word) great friendship needs mutual value (admiration and affirmations that the friendship matters)! Mix "high value" with the assurance of commitment (I'm there for you, even if I win a 50 billion dollar Lotto)! Commitment without value is slavery or some form of psycho-mess-up.

When you pray this prayer you affirm a reality that can't always be seen with our senses or feelings. Belonging is a fantastic gift; especially if you like the person you belong to - and they like you just as much!

Another 3 word prayer I like is, "For my friends." Thinking about others is such an "out of jail free" card to my feel-sorry-for-myself moments. I also like the 3-word prayer, "I am blessed." It so helps me to keep in the zone of being gifted rather than an "I deserve," or "it's my right" wrong attitude. Enough 3-word prayers for today (I've got more :).

NEW SHOES: Setting up mile markers can be a good thing (if you don't measure your value by them; or others). I just set a new PR for running distance last week so I celebrated by buying a pair of shoes & fit! Sixteen years ago I went to Jack & Jill's next to Green Lake (Seattle) and had a store employee go joking with me - then fit me to the right running shoes. I did it again this week and I'm loving the difference (this time they slow-mo-video you while running barefoot on a treadmill. They do a bunch of other voodoo stuff as well. My ankles, knees, and shins are very valuable to me - I'm so glad I reach this health goal (would you like to see a pic. of my new shoes? :D

Hey, Check out the Facebook and our blog re. the acoustic show, art exhibit, and great food this Friday, the 23rd at 7 p.m. It's fun, free, very relaxing - You should check it out, and then come and enjoy. My son Gordon, of Gordon Avenue, is teaming up with a fantastic bass player, and a couple other great musicians to do a very cool Acoustic concert. Check it out here, NOW!

Facebookers - do a search for Living Hope Church East Vancouver!

1 comment:

Post Mt. Carmel Elijah said...

OK, as one of your daily faithful readers I'm sorry that I didn't beg for your 3 word prayer, as fine as it turned out to be. I knew you'd get around to it when the Spirit moved you. So to speak.

Wow, you really take buying new shoes seriously. I usually just go for whatever cheapest at the local Famous Footwear. But of course we want to see the pictures of your new super shoes! They'll probably make my $29 four year old Saucony's feel green with envy. Although they're already tinged with blue.