
WHy buy $100+ running shoes?

So this has been one major week of "running" - not on pavement as much as in my little Honda, on my MacBook, and using my cell phone.

This morning (Just after midnight) I preach to 3,000 people in India (via cell phone). 500 pastors were at this special gathering and over 1,000 believers. Some 1,500 people who had never heard of Jesus were there as well. I slipped into bed after preaching (it was 1 a.m.) and woke up to an email (5:45 a.m.) telling me that 700 people accepted Jesus when I preached at m
idnight. So many people came up for prayer and were healed! I'm exhausted today but still so full of energy to pour into people's lives.

What does this have to do with $100 running shoes?
I'm running the Hood to Coast with a team of 12 people. I get to improve my health, invest into others
lives, and lower my "slightly high" blood pressure.

I bought these shoes because 14 years ago I did the same thing in Seattle before I ran my one and only one marathon. I bought these shoes after having two experts watch, film, and analyze my running (barefoot). They then tried different shoes on me and watched me run. From this I've used a team of experts to fit the best shoe for my running style.

Apply the principle of "team" to how you build your business, relationships, and spiritual journey and (exercise goals)!

1. Add people to your life that have strengths you don't
2. Associate with people who are wanting the same things you do
3. Hang out with others so you don't become isolated


1 comment:

Noah's neighbor who complained about all that hammering said...

Nice shoes, Bruce! Although for $100+ they should have little wings on them to carry you from adventure to adventure like Mercury. But then I suppose that would defeat the entire purpose, wouldn't it? As for me, I guess I'll just stay with my slacker slogan, "If I can't drive there I don't want to go there".

Good Team Talk, by the way. You know me, being part of The Team, and that loyalty, companionship, and sense of purpose is one of life's most rewarding and noble pursuits. Even to those of us who were once Team Captains, but got kicked off for conduct unbecoming. Many days I still miss it. Although other days I can barely remember what it was like at all...

As one of your loyal blog readers I'll say it again. Bruce, you keep writing 'em and I'll keep reading 'em.