
My Miracle Bike Story

“I’m sorry Todd; I don’t have time to meet with you today.” It was true. But his words, “Can’t you just give me ten minutes?” changed my mind. My wife, Laura, and I have said these words for so many years, “Love people and use things, never love things and use people.” Here was my opportunity.

So I drove to Mall 205 and met with Todd. My surprise? After going from more than a year without a bicycle I now had a bike that cost $4,700 new. Gifts of this magnitude can make you feel so small, so undeserving –and they are! True gifts are never about deserving something. God loved us before He even created our world (Ephesians 1:4-5).

My bike remind me of another truth an old British chap wrote, “Never seek justice for yourself, always seek to give it to others.” This has been a difficult one for me. I so struggled with the injustice of being hit from behind by a pickup and not being compensated. But I’m alive (my tennis game sucks – torn rotator cuff) and I can now ride again. God is very, very good! Maybe I’ll share about my wife’s miracle bike gift next week.

We are doing baptisms tomorrow at Laurelhurst – what a symbol of the ultimate gift offered free to us. Come visit us tomorrow – it’ll be amazing. See you there!


tony said...

Dear Pastor Bruce,
How cool! Both your new bike and your blog video. What a blessing and what a techie. Our first brand new car only cost $3,000 (73 Ford Maverick), and I haven't spent more than $500 for all the bikes I've had in my life combined. Oh well, inflation.

We are so blessed when we visit Laurelhurst. You and Pastor Will are such a good team. It's great to see the growth, and the volunteers setting up, tearing down, and especially the first impressions team. Josiah and his team have such a wonderful heart for worship.

Hope your vacation is safe and that your nuclear and extended family have a wonderful time together. That part of the country is magnificent. Take some time to decompress. God's blessings. Much love, Lin & Tony

Lisa said...

Very cool, Bruce - what a neat gift!!

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