
King of the Tube

There are two vital elements that keep friendship fresh - yep, I'm going to give them to you; are you ready? ONE - stay aware, keep it fresh, of how much OTHERS bless your life (thankfulness is the antidote to a critical heart). When you refocus, every day, on how much others ADD TO your life, your VALUE keeps going up - HIGH VALUE is what makes long, rich friendships.

In the video blog of my two boys playing KING OF THE TUBE (ages 22 & 18), I was reminded how blessed I am to have them with me for vacation, to watch their energy, strength, and fun! Wow, I am one of the most blessed men in all the world.

TWO (I didn't forget), great friendships need the fuel of KNOWING YOU ADD TO OTHER'S LIVES. We are all difference-makers! We buy into that huge lie that we aren't, but we are. We all have many things to add to other's lives (See last weeks LH video on "words."). You will find a fresh energy, rocket fuel, if you will focus on how you best add to others. Watching my boys fight on the tube, I realized how I can add $$$, drive the boat, video, and participate WITH them and they are better for it. It's so wonderful to realize God made you to be a creative giver too!

Enjoy the the clip!

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