
Climbing up Glacier, Montana

Laura and I did the climb on our 3rd day of our vacation. Our bikes seemed eager to go as we started our ride on the famous, "Going-to-the-Sun Hwy." We finished at the top of Logan pass. We had no camera's, just 16 miles (13 of them uphill!) of fun. At times you can see over a thousand feet below you - riding a bike so close to the edge and seeing the splendour of Glacier is an amazing experience.

It started when we left the cabin (on Flathead lake) at 4:30 a.m. We got started on our ride about 7:20. We had to be back down to the campground by 11 a.m. (Park cut-off time for climbing the pass on bicycles).

Laura saw several "Mt. Goats" at the top (she actually beat me to the top of the Mt.) Here are a few photos (not mine - they need to be scanned) of what we saw.

The tunnel shot is where I began to die - my bike tried, but I hurt all the way to the top (Altitude? Attitude?)


tony said...

Wow, how beautiful. Won't see you Sunday due to service at the Fair. Save some of your stories til I get back (I assume you'll be back?) Or possibly you've joined the circuit with Tiger. Love, Tony.

Unknown said...

If you play like that, I may take up golf! Hug your wire, go for a spin and watch the ice cream .... no done wach yourself eat it dude!