
Growing Great Friendships

Last Sunday about 23 of us ended up at Mark Lindsay's Rock and Roll Cafe - very fun! Our service was great - Aria did a fantastic job leading worship and sharing some of her music from her latest album.

I've meet so many people this week, and I can't help but remind all of us what it takes to grow amazing friendships:

1) All great friendships have at the core a clear sense of how valuable the other person is in their life. Value leads to respect. We cherish what we count as valuable. Jesus put it this way, "Seek God's plan first (His Kingdom) and everything else will then fit into their own healthy order. " - Matthew 6:19-24. Spend more time reminding yourself of other's value - what they add to your life. You will appreciate them more! How do you add to others' lives? If I don't remind myself of what counts the most I'm likely to neglect it (or them). This week I was so aware of how much God loves, thinks about, and dreams of being friends with lonely, lost, messed up people (me too)! That awareness so recharged my passion to love, reach out to, and invest in lost people. Laura and I are so aware of how we want to use our energy, money, assets, and talents to reach out to hurting people who need to meet Jesus as their forever friend!

2) What I value I commit to and am determined to remain committed! It's that stick-to-it "I'm there for you" all the time investments that make for lasting friendships. Commitment means stepping out in ways that tell the other person, "you can count on me - I'm stuck to you." Laura and I believe in tithing, spending time, and praying often for the church we love so much. It's such an amazing thing God is doing in our funky little church. I can't imagine not being committed. Ask yourself, "How can I let others know that I'm with them all the way? In Genesis 2:24-25 God says the ultimate marriage has this kind of commitment: "It leaves (that means changing one priorities) and clings (that's drawing close in work, play, and thought) and then this Best Friend Marriage becomes One (Physically, Spiritually, and Emotionally)! This is my friendship obsession with my sweetheart Laura and with my best friend God.

Who have you invested in this week? What will grow your commitment to reach out and love lost people more? How will you tell others of their value in your life?

P.S. Gordon's band (Gordon Avenue) has sold a lot of tickets - they were told they will "at least" get 2nd choice of when they play. Come join us tomorrow night (6:30 p.m. at the Satyricon in Portland) - 5 bands -tons of fun (You've got to see the new Gordon Avenue t-shirts). Send me an email - averybruce@gmail.com if you want to get tickets from me ($8) and also bless Gordon's band.

See you for a great service this Sunday!


Anonymous said...

Hey Thanks for this blog about friendships. It is something I have been in a struggle with recently. It seems like I add value to someones friendship and I keep them a priority but it seems like recently, it doesnt go both ways. It has opened my eyes to what I need to see and what I have been trying to avoid!
BTW, Joe and I wish that we could have gone to see Gordons band play. I have him as my friend on myspace and he is doing a great job! Soo proud of him! Also, we will be calling you up shortly and check in with you!!
Thanks again for the blog!

Anonymous said...


So great to see you the other night. I'm working through some great stuff by the World's foremost relationship expert - Dr. John Gottman and I've got some great "date tools" for you and Joe - will supercharge your friendship level - call.
