
Seattle and Back!

How cool it was for Laura and I to take two of our Portland leaders to Seattle for a conference. The appreciation of how God has built us to create community was so strengthened! The conference was hosted by a church about the same size as us that started the same time as Living Hope. But their values and "smell" (the DNA of any group of people) is as different as night and sunshine (day). Living Hope's worship team were the featured worship team at the conference and they were amazing. Pastor John spoke Monday afternoon and it was so inspiring. About 30 of us from Living Hope went to the Spaghetti Factory and had a blast just hanging out. Laura and I took our two leaders to Pike's Market - a Seattle must. (We also had some incredible fish & chips.)

On Tuesday afternoon we went (about 20 0f us) to the Mariner's game - wow, what fun, but we got so cold! We didn't dress for the weather (even with the roof over the field we got a few sprinkles blown on us. Pastor Rick and myself got to phone calls from people who saw us on TV. Then it was the dark drive down I-5 and a quick stop at Wendy's . . . haven't visited her for a few years.

All this time I'm thinking of the fantastic story we will be sharing on video this weekend. The person we are filming will also be with us live - I'm so excited! I got home last night and then this morning learn that we have a wonderful recording guest with us this Sunday as well . . . more tomorrow on that . . . but I can say, "You WILL want to invite every friend, foe, even Fido come with you to Living Hope Portland this weekend" - Really, this will be a very high weekend of experience and renewed hope. You will love it - I promise!

Let me know if you have a cool story about how a friend carried someone through a difficult time in their life. Talk more tomorrow.

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