
Friendships (WOW advice today) and The Shack, day # 2

Let's start with The Shack! I told you I had a theory as to why some have gotten so tweaked about the book. So!!! Here's my Frankl Theory:

"Every person searches for personal meaning. Some can only relate to the God who is totally OTHER than them. This Bigger, Beyond, UN-like, and Perfectly Omnipotent Powerful-all-the-time GOD is what enables them to continue to hope. Without something to hope in, life loses all meaning. People lash out at whatever appears to be attacking their continued search for meaning."
So, those who relate totally, only, or mostly to this picture of God can find stories, Bible texts, and theology that supports this view. But when a book comes along that touches millions of people and presents God as a being who wants to be so close that S/He takes on human form (a large motherly black lady no less) and lets Jesus play with her feet after messing up breakfast . . . , well, that's way too much! From this sense of protecting the LARGENESS of God, some may be tempted to construct some very creative, unusual arguments to protect their view! In medieval times this was done by building HUGE churches that would "blow away" the poor peasant who felt unworthy even to enter such a vast "Disney-and-beyond" fantasy structure. I've stood in a few of Europe's churches and felt overwhelmed, small, and very "other" than God. I felt like kneeling, asking forgiveness, and hoping for Grace. I must admit, I'd much rather be in the observation chapel overlooking Clark County at the Grotto (Portland) when I listen to God's smile.

There I said it - REMEMBER, IT'S ONLY A THEORY (I find so much built-in custom prejudice in some of my previous sentences . . . I relate to the God who speaks as one would to a child, giggles, and wrestles with me in a "WWF, Unlimited Fighting" kind of way. I smiled deep within myself as I read The Shack - over and over again. It' s my way of refueling up on HOPE. Is my way the only way? Of course (And you're an idiot if you don't agree with me . . . that was a joke! Relax)! I really think we need a kind of Yin-Yang in our picture of God (The Yin-Yang has a history before Eastern religion - Really!). God comes in clouds, and sunshine. He speaks in thunder, a whisper, and even when we only hear silence. But God speaks over and over to us a friend! John 14-17 presents one of the most perfect pictures of God. "Remember," says Jesus, "Every time you really see me you are seeing the Father." Read John 15:15 three times, or more, a day for a couple weeks and then tell it's dangerously wrong to portray God in a way that cracks our hollow "holy" pictures that keep us from trusting Him deeply. The Shack is willing to mess with you in an attempt to bring you to the promise of Hebrews 4 (read it and believe). God wants to sit with you over fish and chips and ask you three questions: "DO YOU REALLY LOVE ME?"

Friendship is about expanding to become more of who God made you to be. To do this we need:

1) to move towards someone other than our own "self-limiting self " (proximity always benefits friendship)! Laura and I have been together about 35 years. We keep looking for things that keep us close - physically, emotionally, spiritually - in every part of our being! You want great friendships - draw close . . . walk , crawl, limp, take little-bitty-baby steps. Keep coming closer. The first perfect day in a perfect world was spent doing NOTHING better than just BEING together - To enjoy our being in our connected friendship is what makes us alive (it's the master plan - the perfect CAD drawing).

Check it out: What does that "other person like?" Cycling (Laura is watching the Tour de France with me for the first time - it's just one more "proximity" experiences). Maybe your friend hates running but loves shopping (Bribe a friend to get you a pass to the Nike employee store - wow . . . think and plan proximity into your life!). I can find something in common with anyone if I want to grow closer!

Listen to others.
Listen to their fears (be still and you will hear them come out), their dreams (also hidden from one's first layer of what we usually see), and their daily happenings! If you listen to others (and respond), you will find yourself coming closer.

2) What activities can you do with "friends" that recharges their battery the most? This takes the proximity practice and super-sizes it because it leads you into another key factor of friendship practices (tomorrow I'll focus on this key). When you do things with others that they "love to do" it so fills your sails with life. Do you know what your spouse, friend, or co-worker gets jazzed about? Read up on it. Buy them something fun that has to do with your friend's hobby or interest.

By the way, I was very touched by Frankl's life about 20 years ago. He's a cool guy. Frankl is thought to have coined the term Sunday Neurosis referring to a form of depression resulting from an awareness in some people of the emptiness of their lives once the working week is over. If you don't have moments to look forward to, dates with friends, then you might be suffering from nothing to look forward to after work. (Men struggle with this when they're not working.)

Another - off the subject thought: Sin IS NOT selfishness. Selfishness is the radioactive after affect. More on that tomorrow as it relates to the idea that true friendships make us less selfish! I'll try to convince you that Sin finds it's roots at a deeper level than self-focused selfishness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't read "The Shack" and since I haven't read a religious book in many years I probably won't. But as your friend I've followed with great interest your heart-felt struggle with those who would quibble with it's message. I think in a nutshell you are saying that as long as something is not harmful to others, inspires through positive examples, instead of freezes through fear, and most importantly leads to a closer personal experience with Him, why would people complain and be critical with that? If you don't like it, or even hate it (as I do with threatening/bullying "end of time" books) then just move along. Nothing to see here folks.

But it does tie neatly into your image of God. To put it in pop culture mode, I too grew up with the almighty God of "The Ten Commandments". While awesome, in His own way, it meant nothing to me down here in Real-Lifetown. It was only with the much more human George Burns/Morgan Freeman God's of "Oh God" and "Bruce Almighty" that I could finally imagine a God that I could truly care about. While others cried blasphemy and sacrilege, I just wished in my hard little heart that I could be John Denver or Jim Carrey. You know, God's newly chosen best bud, His man with a new mission, instead of the object of cosmic indifference bordering on scorn. But several years ago I found myself in a situation where the fear and desperation was almost liquid in it's terrifyingly claustrophobic darkness. When I called out for God I would have taken him large, small, or anything in-between. Darn, I would have eagerly accepted Pee Wee Herman God. But it wasn't a movie, it had no happy ending, and as far as I could tell God had more important personal appearances elsewhere that day doing promotions for his other projects. I heard zippola and felt nothing except the ice cold concrete beneath my rapidly bruising knees. Fair enough since I'd spent my entire life ignoring him also. I survived that hellish experience and those that followed. A little soothing and reassuring Morgan Freeman would have been cool though...

One other thought. You're very right to combine your "Shack" and vital friendship ideas. Friendship and Loyalty truly are everything to me. Especially now in the winter of my miscontent. I don't want a God that I fear (in all definations of the word) I want a God who is my friend. Worship on bended knee and serve like a slave? No thanks. But how about hanging out with and sharing what's important in each other's lives? Shooting the breeze about what we can do right instead of constantly rehashing what we did wrong? Proximity? Cool, I totally agree. But Bruce, I can't seem to get my mojo working with an imaginary Friend that I have to take on faith. Where is old, shuffling, yet physically very real, George Burns when I need him?...

Sorry for the rambling comment, but you touched a nerve with me on this. Keep up the good writing and don't let the picky/prickily pious mess with your mind. As Yoda would say, "Good work do you".