
Purple Cows @ the Rose Garden


Last weekend we saw our first service at the Convention center - 700 + people showed up - it was amazing! Envite, bring, be there with a friend!

I could keep going on Easter stories, but will only share a few more!

My friend Charles saw a "purple cow" moment (idea of being remarkable pitched in a couple of popular books - My wife, Laura, is currently reading the one; THE BIG MOO! Good book!)

Anyway, Charles and his family expected lots of glitz once they worked their way into the Rose garden, but what surprised them greatly was to find Krispy Kreme dougnuts waiting for them when they parked in the Rose quarter parking garage - They were even more surprised to get a whole box as they were leaving (To those who thought of the dougnuts - You are what adds to the remarkableness that really does make a difference in people's lives!

When people see us "giving more" than they expected it says, "we really think YOU'RE IMPORTANT!" Keep up those extra smiles, those unexpected "kindness acts." We are remarkable! God is alive IN us! ONLY GOD!

Tomorrow: An Easter reunion that took more than 5 years to ripen!


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow? Yes?? We're waiting Bruce!

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow - which day is that? It's cool that you are "waiting!" I'll have it up in a few minutes (when?)
