
Weekend Miracles (keep on inviting)

Ask, invite, be a friend, and then trust God. This last weekend I invited about forty people to Burlingame; I am so glad I spent the time calling: twenty-six of those I called showed up! Wow! Two of them had been struggling with deep pain, three of them had just been baptized a few weeks ago, and one, who is agnostic and desperately wants a forever-friendship with Jesus, brought three more with him. When I say he “desperately wants a forever-friendship” I realize he doesn’t know this yet (I love reading Acts 17 then look forward to the day it dawns on my friend how close Jesus has been all this time!).

Those who showed up early Saturday afternoon, Carla, Kathy, and Shirley –a Burlingame Church member, to prepare all those roses; thank you so, so much for all the extra you did! For all the leaders who gave so much time, you so inspire me! After Saturday night’s service, Laura and I hugged a young girl who has been going through some hard times –to see the look of hope, the smile, mingled with tears, and to see her laugh again . . . and then make an appointment to hang out with me wife this week –Wow this makes all the long hours and prayer worth it.

One couple who visited our Saturday night service was a retired pastor and his wife who had driven my mother from College to a bus station in Baker City Oregon 53 years ago where my mom met my future dad (if you missed the “dark grey turtle neck sweater and purple puddles of passion” story I’m sorry . . . I tell it to you again if you ask). To see this man and his wife discover more than fifty years later how much hope they added to my parents lives was so cool. This retired pastor was also the man who dedicated me to the Lord when I was a baby. It was a powerful evening of seeing people hang out together and grow in the power of God’s love.

Sunday morning I was so tired, and wasn’t at all excited about being at the Convention center. When we arrive, we found the Kid’s World needed some extra help. Laura and I jumped in and soon Laura had little two year old boy hanging onto her desperately (All he wanted was his daddy). I sat by myself. Little did I know that God has placed me just where he wanted me –I was about to tag-team with our Burlingame Prayer Leader, Elle.

Elle was beaming when she introduced me to Ross. The service has just ended. Ross had ridden his bicycle to the Convention center for the first time. Elle had met him on a business flight not long ago and had been inviting him to a “different kind of church.” Ross’s eyes were red from crying. “Could you help us,” Elle begged, “my new friend Ross wants to know how to accept Jesus into his life?” Could I help? I still laugh about the question –YES, SURE, OK! Ross was so full of anticipation. Sitting in that huge auditorium, Elle and I (really, it was the God’s Spirit) introduced Jesus to a guy who had not been in church for many years. Here’s a young man that felt judged by Christians. “I never knew they had a church that could give me so much hope” he gushed and then added, “I grew up Catholic and I always felt so much guilt.

Driving back home that afternoon, I felt so, so tired. But it was absolutely worth it! I looked at my wife and said, “Happy Mother’s day.” The smile and the shared joy seeing Jesus work His magic again this weekend felt as warm as sunshine that was trying to force it’s way into a great Mother’s day. Maybe you’ll meet Ross this Saturday night at Burlingame. I’m expecting more “Ross” stories. Invite. Smile. Be a friend! Bring a friend. And keep believing another miracle is just around the corner! Only God!


Lisa said...

I may be behind in making a comment, but that story about Ross accepting Jesus (combined with Jeremy Camp singing "you can have all the world, just give me Jesus") made my eyes water quite a bit.
Thanks for being such a great blogger, Bruce.

Anonymous said...


I wonder how many "Ross friends" I miss by being caught up in my own "story." Thank You God for reminding us we have so much to be thankful for - to Jump up and down and party in God's love!