
Reach Out - Much Easier (Try us)

How was your Memorial Memories? Three great BBQ's for us, time at 24hr. Fitness, and lots of catch up work at home! Monday night Laura's brother flew back from London and we were frustrated that we couldn't find out when his plane arrived. I suddenly was aware of how much cell phones and email have changed our lives (stress and a desire to get connected NOW). Well at Burlingame we now have moved up to our own office phone - FUN.
Give our office phone a call (our phone gets lonely too) and leave us a unique message - Call 503.686.8040.

Try our Bruce's weekly blog - lhcportland.blogspot.com

How about sending an email from one of the blogs you like, with a comment and invitation to our Sat. 6 p.m. service, to a friend? Keep reaching out - keep touching lives. It's fun that lasts forever!

This weekend, June 2, I will be speaking on the secret of NOT GIVING UP. Sounds easy but when your at the bottom and rejection is high, it's worse than a root canal! I've telling one of my top 10 stories ever (about one of my boys & a big race). Josiah's band will be back this weekend and we have some great surprises for everyone who comes (I hate keeping these kind of secrets)!

More in a day or two . . . (enjoy the weather - use sunscreen . . . No, I'm not your mother). Look for my two FUN books to read this summer!

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