
Soft-launch @ Burlingame: The adventure begins

It was a scary start!
I looked at my watch; it read 4:00 p.m. No one had arrived yet! Where are all my fearless friends? A brand new sound system, a not yet assembled new projector, and lots of other loose ends (offering buckets – oops, that’s why Freddie’s is so close) played with my nerves (Dondi, you are a lifesaver!).

But the illusion that we’re the one’s doing the work faded around 5:50 p.m. and the reality that God DIDN’T SHOW UP, because He was ALREADY THERE in the first place rang true! Elle Lerman, and Doug and Carla Schopperlrey were the early prayer warriors that God used to calm my stress. Don Taylor, classic Hawaiian shirt flying full sail, ran errands and Michael and Janice made their acquaintance in the sound booth and prepping our Welcome Center. When 6 p.m. rolled into town I was so excited. Smiles, new faces, and fantastic kick off -God never gets sweaty palms. The evening ended with a permanent “ONLY GOD” sticker plastered on my heart.

Three new helpers showed up in our Kid’s World ministry and Jason stayed until the end, vacuuming and cleaning after everyone was gone (It’s fun watching a 6’4’’ giant vacuum!). There are so many more I could name who gladly joined in with willing hands - it was a wonderful evening (Ken, thanks for climbing that 18 foot ladder).

I love singing my lungs out with Josiah and the band; what a great worship time (I knew he had been recording in the studio all day and would do two more worship sets the next morning). I watched as 142 of us, together, experienced our first Launch in the Terwilliger curves –Burlingame (Reed’s college and nearby Lewis and Clark College are going to hear our music –I can only imagine). Portland is going to see darkness run for the hills and an acceptance and love that’s not based on religion, come charging in. Jesus loves Portland and I so want to love what counts most to God. I can hardly wait for this weekend!

Sunday morning I was at the Convention Center and so were several of our key leaders from Saturday night. Two people from our Fresh Start small group on Thursday night (David and Elle, thank you so much for opening your home!) arrived, excited about their decision to be baptized (Family and friends were there to make it so perfect).

Pam, Traci, being able to baptize you was such a thrill. To think back just one month and realize that religion had kept you afraid and away from the kind of love and acceptance you’re now experiencing –God is doing a wonderful thing! You both inspire me so much!

The story of George, who happened into the Convention Center after his 18 Wheeler broke down three times, was another of God's weekend masterpieces. Sunday morning, George and his wife jumped off the Max and decided to wandered through the Portland Convention Center; to his surprise he stumbled upon a church, Living Hope. Standing in the big swimming pool at the end of the service, listening as Pastor John stopped and shared with everyone God’s reminder of why we’re doing church in Portland, was so cool. George simply glowed, above and below the water! He came up out of the water a new man, with an new memory of Portland, Oregon and a new passion to take back to San Diego. His connection with Living Hope is strong, and George's forever-friendship with Jesus something that will never break down. "God’s voice is continuing," as Pastor John often says, “to get just a little bit louder.”

We don’t work for God, we simply say yes to wherever He wished to place us. He works in us!
Wherever you are today is a “Great place.” God is working out His magical love through you. Just smile and believe!

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