
Laurelhurst set for a "Crash" of Rhinos

Remember, Rhino's run about 35 mph and can see about 30 ft. in front of their horn - a group of rhino's are called a "crash!" God is calling us to crash into darkness with light. I'm NOT talking about "preaching down to, talk down at, judging or condeming others." NO, we are called to crash into darkness with God's amazing grace, his love and acceptance, and HIS FOREVER HOPE. Jesus is the answer and we will grow His forever love into any one's life who wants love! We accept others the way Jesus accepted us (Ephesians 1:4-5)

On Wednesday I sat at a sidewalk table at the Old Bagdag theater eating a great salad and planning for our new ministry location at Laurelhurst. Watching all the wonderful artistic, alive, Portland people on the street made me want to start dancing some very cool moves (I can not dance - it's impossible!) There is so much excitement in the air and I believe God is going to use Living Hope, all of us, to touch thousands of people's lives for Christ.

Last night Pastor Rick and I spend some time with the Burlingame leaders (the site of our previous Sat. night Portland campus). It's never easy sitting and listening to someone share the hurt and pain they experienced by our sudden change of directions. They so loved partnering with us and will miss having us work with them on Saturday nights. I have never seen church leaders who were so gut level honest, and yet, so full of Jesus love. I left knowing that God had used them to teach me so much more about forgiveness. Before Rick and I left, we knew we we going home still friends and still part of the ONE body of Christ. Burlingame is an wonderful example of leaders who forgive the way Jesus does. We will miss working so closely with them. If you haven't had a change to try out the "Forgiveness matrix" I posted a few days ago, try it out. I found myself using it again last night so that I could better ask forgiveness from some dear friends (Burlingame leaders) whom I had hurt.

Early this morning I read from Colossians 3 - I was so impressed with the words, "And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are all called to live in peace. And always be thankful." (Verses 14-15). I want the first piece of clothing I put on to be "God's love." We are able to love because HE first loved us (I John 4:19).

Come join the crash at our new location - 3212 NE Ankeny St. Portland, Or. 97214 this Sunday at 10 a.m.

I'd love to hear from you - Brucea@livinghopechurch.com

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