
Do you like "Sweet & Sour?"

This past weekend was a blend of troubled-hurt-mad-sad-glad-expectant-joyful-uneasy-numb-questioning . . . (the list of opposite feelings could go on). Why? We are joining both Portland Living Hope campuses into ONE. That's great news in terms of strength and unity. I believe with all my heart it will help us reach more people in Portland that desperately need to meet and fall in love, forever, with Jesus!

In practical terms, what this means is that our level of partnership with the Burlingame church is not the same as it has been for the past six weeks. We will not continue our Saturday night service at Burlingame. This is the sad part -and it was so painful seeing the hurt experience by those faithful Christ-followers at Burlingame church. Their willingness to risk working together with Living Hope will continue to grow them into an even more effective "Love Machine" of God's unending grace. Burlingame's pastor, Brad, will continue to meet with me and we will both rub off (touch and be agents of change) on each other! We will continue to pray and see how we can work together in the future. God up to something in the Burlingame community!

This Sunday brings us to a new time and location for our now "stronger" army of love (LOVE ALWAYS WINS - RIGHT?) -We will be meeting in the Laurelhurst Church (one amazing building). It's just off of Burnside and SE 32nd. We will start at 10 a.m. this Sunday morning. Please invite every person you can think of to this coming weeks service -it will be one not to forget! A lot of excitement was felt at the Convention Center on Sunday (THAT WAS OUR LAST SERVICE THERE AS WELL).

I'm very interested in seeing how we can add more people to our team in terms of helping this adventure blow away Portland with love! Even with both teams of helpers at our two previous campus coming together there is room for so many more people. Do you want to get involved - be a difference maker? Email me at Brucea@livinghopechurch.com or try leaving a message on my Portland number - 503.686.8040.

Be watching for more updates this week! (Do you like to cycle? I just got a bike after being hit by a car in April of 06 - It's so cool; a miracle story I'll tell sometime later . . . )

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