
Want to serve our homeless youth this Sun?

This Sunday is our opportunity to serve our homeless youth in downtown Portland. The winter location is indoors. If you would like to help prepare food or serve (or do both) please email me as soon as possible - Bruce


Last time we served our homeless youth Tiffany sent me an email expressing how much of a joy it was for her. Here are some of her comments (OH WOW - THIS IS REALLY GOOD!):

"Last Sunday was a clear indication of how much this world needs Jesus, myself included. It was a day where I anticipated sharing God's love and compassion with those desperately in need. And it was; the group of us from Living Hope engaged in fellowship with complete strangers, served food to those who were hungry, and witnessed God's ability to provide abundantly for those in need. But it was also a day where I was reminded of how much I too need to constantly be seeking Jesus."

There was another aspect of the day that I definitely did not anticipate. Parking is free on Sundays in downtown Portland except in private parking lots. None of us realized this until I saw a man writing me a ticket. I quickly ran over to speak with him and he told me to move my car immediately or else he would give me a ticket. So I moved my car and ran back over to where we were serving. And go figure, the 'ticket guy' was in line getting food! I noticed my mouth dropped; I couldn't believe he taking food that was for the homeless! I finally realized that out of all those people maybe he was the one who needed Jesus the most. That meant I needed to show him the love and grace of Christ. So I asked Jesus to soften my heart and help me respond as He would. All was good; until the guy got in line again! Irritation set in once more, even though I thought I had come to the place where I could accept him. So yet again I had to ask Jesus to soften my heart, coming once more to that place where I finally let Jesus take control of my emotions. And no joke the guy got in line a third time. So yes, once more I had to give up my judgmental thoughts and ask for God to once more soften my heart. I finally could look at him with compassion, because who knows what his story is even though he has a job, maybe he really was super hungry and strapped for cash. And I guarantee if Jesus had been there serving food He would have given the man extra! As the man walked passed to continue on with his work, we offered more to him; he declined and went along on his way.

learned three things from this. One, I need to continually go back to the cross and remember what and who it is all about-seeking and showing the heart of Christ to EVERYONE. Two, we have awesome people that go to Living Hope. We had all realized that the 'ticket man' had come through the line taking the food for the homeless, but everyone still gave with a giving heart. I don't know of many people that would have humbly served him, been honest about their struggle to do so, then asked Jesus to open their mind and heart to him. And three, we serve an AWESOME GOD!!! ONLY GOD!"

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