
Setting Goals for 2008

[added thoughts on 1-26-08 . . . one friend may have not read the last paragraph of this blog . . . without it, everything, goals, tools, things matter for NOTHING. I'm still re-writing my "steps" and adjusting my goals as I continue to listen to God's best for me today.]

So I've been doing the whole "New Year's" goals off and on for 27 years with a hiatus several times. I find spending the time writing down on paper my priorities and dreams is in itself very helpful. This year one of my sons encouraged me to add the famous "Steps to Goals" details. I've also built a team that is checking up on me, encouraging, and some of them are even team participants.

You can do this too - start simple. Here's a few of my goals (I'll show you a couple of examples of steps I list). Good luck. NOTE: at the end of this blog

2008 Bruce Avery Directions

Relationships: to deepen, prioritize; grow in awareness, appreciation, & participation

1) Make list, prioritize, people and relationships I want to invest in – . . . (example of steps)
Steps to goals: List my “10 most important” by end of Jan. Prioritize by - How I can add to their life, their benefit to my family, ministry, . . .2) Do 12 most influential people party Steps to goals: Write invitation by end of Feb. Reviews of idea back by . . .3) Do six visits to bar/book store/coffee shop/park to meet 1st X people Steps to goals: Have list of possible locations by Jan. 31. First visit in Feb. 3) Pray with Laura every night before going to bed. Re-establish our weekly dates, and do quarterly get-away.
Have date with Marcus twice a month. Work on a book with him. 1st setting before Jan. 31. First draft by End of March.

Other goals for 08 -

Mind: to expand, sharpen; use to aid in speaking, writing, and communicating

Body: to rejuvenate, invest; developing reserves and immunity for more energy

1) Record Body goals sheet daily – send out reports every month to my team

2) Make list of people I want to influence in the physical realm – finish by April

3) Pick one sporting events to enter (run or ride? STP? Bridges?) – set dates by April

Spiritual: fuel passion, friendship; growing trust, adventure, and authenticity


1) Develop Portland Leadership team:

Steps to goals:

2) Acquire, train, and pre-launch new Coffee shop ministry center Steps to goals: Dream team recruited and 1st meeting by end of . . .

There you have it -a slice of my direction, focus, and passion for 2008.

Here's my important note: IF you write down goals (even if you don't write them down) make sure to pray through them, spending considerable time listening for the Spirit to give direction. I started my process of writing goals in Dec. and have this Thursday as my deadline for sharing it with my personal coach.

Goals don't make you more valuable to God or anyone else. They are tools - if used to keep us focused on my life mantra (Love people and use things - never love things and use people) then they are so good! God will give you direction - ask!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I dont know that we have ever officially met but my name is Shannon Galford. I go to Living Hope but right now am serving down in los angeles at a place called The Dream Center. Anyways...I met Tiffany Frankovich (i think thats right) while I was home and she was telling me about the new coffee ministry you guys are wanting to do down in Portland. I think that the idea is fabulous. I somehow really wanna be involved when I come home. I know you guys dont have everything figured out...but I have been working at starbucks for 6 months and the coffeeshop atmosphere is totally what I love. I think something that is so casual that can bring people together is just so amazing..ANYWAYS....
I am praying for you guys and I am really excited to hopefully start helping with the portland stuff once I am home.