
Only Three days Left (Romance tips # 2)

Today, my pre-V gift is one of those “time-released” capsules, like a very expensive vitamin (such a romantic image). It started with me having Laura’s “foo-foo” drink ready for her when she came downstairs (this is her day off). I also had the cat fed (she was surprised) and I was waiting with my arms outstretched (standing by our kitchen island) and gave here a hug/backrub combination. The point is to disrupt your “normal” activities and surprise the one who counts so much in your heart. Laura is used to me being in my recliner, lost in thoughts, reading and writing. This surprised her so much that she even asked me, “What’s wrong Honey?” Great question –perfect set-up! I now was able to hit a triple by simply saying I wanted to surprise her, by being ready to tell her how much she meant to me on this pre-valentines day!

Questions (for this very moment):

  • What “morning habit” could you alter that would surprise the one you love (in a good way)?
  • What “act of service” could you do that you normally never/seldom do that would surprise your mate (Leave a note; sometimes I leave a text message on my wife note alerting her to look for the note – the message can be encrypted).

The next part of my pre-V day was to pick up several cards for the remainder of the week (Try to get a card by tomorrow or the good ones will all be gone – trust me I got some great ones today). I had set a 1.5 hr date with my sweetheart today and the sun played peek-a-boo enough to entice me to grace Laura’s golf shoes, and several irons and together we hit a bucket of balls at the driving range. We then sat in our car (she had to close her eyes) and I gave her some new pucker-up candies and a wonderful card (what you write counts a lot –taking time to get a very artistic, well worded card is that added plus). I had picked up a very cool novel based in the WWII days in Seattle Wa. I place the card, candy, and book in her lap and then after she had read the card I suggested we talk about how we could read the book together. We settled on reading a few pages before we went back to work. The warm sun, short break outside, and time to share and look forward to a book we can enjoy together was a warm, romantic moment that was so rich (I love seeing my wife’s eyes light up).

What was your day of romance like? I loved reading Proverbs 11 today!  It’s some very wise stuff!

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