
Feeding the homeless tomorrow

Want to come feed about 150 homeless youth with us tomorrow? Check with Tiffany regarding any openings - we will leave shortly after the service tomorrow (Sun. Jan. 6).

If you would like to help fund this ministry, you can use one of the envelopes provided at our Sunday service or email me regarding this and other outreaches to our homeless friends in Portland (Brucea@livinghopechurch.com).

Also, I'd still love to hear your stories from the "Charlie Brown cards" we did.

For our family, Christmas is a very extended tradition. We try to leave our trees and some decorations up as long as possible. Our big tree is being returned to nature this weekend and my little village (pic. to come) will be packed on Monday (that's our final day for Christmas to end). We are editing a holidays video and hope to have it up for your viewing pleasure soon. If you hate Christmas or just need to move on - ignore the pics and upcoming video.

I'm so excited about living beyond any box my creature-comfort nature has formed in 2007. I believe life is an adventure of dangerous journeys (most of them unscripted). The goal - forever friendships!

Yes I do set goals every year. This year I'm adding a spiritual element to the whole process that is very exciting. I'm also following one of my son's leads in a new way of listing them. I'm very pumped about them.

God is up to some really big things at Laurelhurst and I can't wait to see how many people's lives with be changed forever. Happy New year!


Anonymous said...

Hey Bruce, I just found out about your blog! I never see you even though we are in the same office building...... thats not right

Anonymous said...

Well come over and see me (our offices are spreading - you might need your car). Thanks for checking in.
