
My Four "Three word" Prayers

I try to pray daily these things (Tomorrow I'll share why I pray them):

"I am Yours!"

“I am Blessed!”

“Why not Me?”

“It is well.”

Also, tomorrow I plan to share how Philippians 4:6-7 continues to help me in my prayers.

Two books that I think are fantastic on prayer:
Philip Yancey's book, Prayer – Does it make any difference?
The Practice of the Presence of God (written nearly 400 years ago - now in easy-to-read English)

Tomorrow I'll share the book about the author who wrote the famous poem "Footprints" and her battle of proving that she was the "unknown" author. It's a small book with a big story; her tragic life and bitterness over the millions of dollars made off her poem is powerful. See prayer from a new perspective (tomorrow - smile).


Gldn1 said...

Amen.... prayer is so key in our friendship with the Father.Some wonderful people taught me that in this lifegroup I once belonged to, I wonder how they all are, I wonder if they would like a little visit, say March 12? We love you and your beautiful wife too.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

March 12 is calling to you and your "football-very-cool" husband. Yes, please do come; the reunion will be great fun!

And yes, my wife is very, very beautiful (we hope to sneak away to this cool place for a couple hrs today - after doing taxes (smile).
