

[Interruption: We will return to my series of blogs on identity - I finish my acronym "MASKS." But first let me share what I spoke about at church this weekend . . . Dealing with temptation. It's based on I Corinthians 10. It's all about who you know that makes the difference. Look at these three "Knows" found in the Bible.]
1. Know Yourself.
I do a "rewind" every day in two journals; one is my prayer journal which I keep on my laptop and the other is a daily devotional that I record events I want to remember. Looking back each day, I've got ten years recorded. I see, over and over, so much about myself that I so easily forget. This is what Paul is talking about, KNOW YOURSELF! He says in I Corinthians 10:12, "If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall." The Greek word for "Think" is "My feelings about something." Have you ever caught yourself saying, "I feel OK about this." What does God think? I can feel so safe in a situation. I can see myself as so strong - Look a little closer Bruce, be careful with your strengths. Take the time to KNOW who YOU ARE!

I read Oswald Chambers everyday. I love what he says about this idea Paul's sharing with us – “Our unguarded strengths” says my British friend, are turned into “double weakness.” Realizing how weak I am leads me to the truth; "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Doctrine, Bible facts, or information isn’t what keeps temptations from crashing in on us, IT’S JESUS! “I am the way, truth, and the life.” Says Jesus. Truth is a person. Truth is Jesus (John 8:32; 14:16).

The second “Know” we find in I Cor. is to Know Your Enemy. I Peter 5 says Satan is a “Roaring Lion.” We’re not talking about that good Narnia lion. This is a lion with a paralyzing roar of guilt, shame, and lies. It paralyzes us with the lie that we are hopeless, worthless, and locked into our situations. Satan lives for one thing says Peter, to “Seek & destroy.” He is the Father of lies (John 8). His name is "Devil" which in Greek is pronounced “Diablos.” It means “One who falsely accuses.” Satan accuses God of not being good. He whispers lies to us that “We know better.” We know better than God what we really need; these are lies – cover-ups of the truth. Satan will try to misalign us in our view of ourselves. His words are false; he is The Devil, Diablo. He's the one that repeats over and over, "Where's God when you need him? You're screwed up. Maybe there isn't a God out there who will rescue you. Are you sure God's all that good?" Adam and Eve bought the lie that maybe God wasn't best for them 100% of the time. At least with this one special tree, they believed they could make the better choice. They weren't listening to who God said they were. God had told them when they visited the Dark Angel's embassy they wouldn't be wise. It looked ok, in fact very good. So they underestimated the enemy and overestimated their own strength.

Jesus is Truth –the word "truth" is a very interesting word in the Bible. Truth in the NT is a word which literally means “That which is not hidden or secret!” Satan’s all about cover-ups and mistruths. We hide behind masks of things, performance, and what others tell us. We are hiding from our past screw ups. Jesus is never hiding from us! He has come to offer us freedom from hiding! Every time I’m afraid and keeping secrets, I'm tempted to believe the Father of lies, Satan.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for Truth means, “Firmness, or faithfulness.” It comes from an ancient root word which denoted a parent, “carrying a child in their arms.” It also was a word used to represent a pillar that held up a building. Truth in the Bible carries the idea of that which is “sure, certain, lasting!” Coming to Jesus builds a consistency, the true belonging that destroys our natural fear of abandonment. Being honest about who we are and who are enemy is opens our eyes even more to hear Jesus, THE TRUTH, THE WAY –REAL LIFE. Jesus is trustworthy when he whispers the words of His father, "I will NEVER leave or abandon you."

# 3 of our “Know” is to KNOW YOUR GOD! Paul reminds us in verse 15 and 16 of I Corinthians 10, that communion is that remembering of Who we belong to! It’s a reminder of “Who knows best.”

We are tempted to think we are unique in our temptation. Several people came up to me
Saturday night and expressed how “alone and isolated” they felt. They had believed they alone were serious mess-ups. Listen to what Paul says in I Corinthians 10:13: "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”

Here’s the answer to those times when temptation has caused you to fail, or you are about to fail; verse 14, "So, my dear friends, flee from the worship of idols." The word “Worship” is an Old English word which meant “to ship your worth” or “valuables.” Look at what is most valuable to you. Do you look to these things, these people, these securities as your worth? An idol is what object, thought, or person you serve.

Three things that have helped me the most with temptation are: 1. Flee 2. Don’t isolate yourself, use God’s gift, Confession, to keep you from hiding (Tomorrow I’ll blog about King David and the amazing words of encouragement for those who fall. I also want to share the difference between healthy and dangerous confession.). Number three (3), Refocus on who God says you are! Remember freedom is all about who you “know.” Do you know Jesus as your personal friend, the only one who can set you free?

I love this promise; start claiming it today –"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't he also give us everything else? 33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, . . . ." Romans 8:31-34.


Unknown said...

Pastor Bruce,
The sermon Saturday was awesome. I brought a friend who is separated from her husband because he had an affair, and she sat there and cried. Thankyou for sharing your story that touched so many people. And I love your blog..even though I don't comment I do read it and show it to others at work. It is always an encouragement. May God continue to bless you and your family.

Heidi =) said...

Great stuff Bruce, I love reading your blogs! Your message Saturday, was amazing. You spoke with the ease of a well seasoned pastor-great job.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming to BP on Sat night. Pray for my sister Kristin who just found out she has MS. She has two young boys. She's experiencing numbness on her right side. The doctors have discovered a large lesion on her brain. She is scared to death! Can you help me in trying to bring Jesus and salvation to her? Please coach me on how to do it best. Thank you, Brad

Anonymous said...

Dear Ashton,

Affirmation is how I hear "I care" messages -thank you for letting me know that my blogs are helpful. Laura and I will be praying for you as you hold up your friend.


Anonymous said...

Dear ht=,

I'm glad I looked "well seasoned" but I hope that doesn't mean "looking very old" - Thanks for your encouragement. I actually have so much nervous energy when I speak that it definitely was God who made my look at ease (I have a creative team that prays, shapes, and works with me - they're part of our Portland team and amazing young people - so fun to work together (That's what Eph. 4 is all about)!


Anonymous said...

Dear Brad,

Please call our main office (360.944.3905) as soon as possible and leave a couple numbers where I can reach you. I'd love to help you in any way I can!

Laura and I are praying for you and your sister (and her family)! Let us know if you would like us to visit her.

Listening to her pain and giving her lots of gentle hugs without any attempts to explain anything may be what she needs most. Laura and I lost a young girl who was one of our "daughters." She was murdered and I remember when we found out a friend of mine just stood there with his hands on my shoulders for more than 30 minutes. He didn't say a word. It was exactly what I needed at that time. Your eyes and gentle touch will bring God's Spirit to her heart. After the shock, anger/fear/hopelessness had had a little time, we are then better able to listen to that whisper from God. I would love to coach you on how to share Jesus' forever friendship with someone who is going through a great tragedy. Please call the office or you can respond with a comment and I'll not publish it (privacy).

We are praying for you this a.m.
