
David's identity issues - Who we trust makes a difference

King David's identity trust issues are a lot like mine: I've trusted God for a long time but I can switch to trusting ME in less than ONE picosecond! I also switch over to listening to others' (auditory and visual) affirmations or perceived rejections just like the Rifleman when he re-cocks his Winchester SRC! David was tempted because he was hungry! He wasn't aware of God's plan being worked out in his life. Perhaps he had stopped writing hit songs (Psalms). He had stayed home instead of leading his troops into battle. And when he looked down off his palace rooftop suite he didn't have mentors close enough to stop him from following through with his lust. Like David, I usually have that open door to confess before I fall further into the open bag of M&M's. David could have confessed to a friend about his "telescopic" fall. Laura and I have stood where King David's palace was and looked down the hill to where Bathsheba would have been. Do you have two or three people you can run to when temptations comes?

My old buddy, Oswald says, "Never trust anything in yourself or in anyone else, but the grace of God." Ultimate trust in myself or anyone else will always disappoint me and bring even more temptation. When I trust God, I learn to trust others and myself in "healthy ways" that don't expect too much. Far too often, I'm subconsciously expecting others to be way too perfect." I expect my life, my day, my world to be perfect, warm, inviting, fun, full of direction and meaning . . . WAIT A MOMENT, this earth is not Heaven. God will bring Heaven down here and recreate our world new - but it's in His perfect time, not mine!

For now, my perfect moments are realizing God wants to live in me right now. Here's the other O.C. quote from today's devotion that I think is amazing, "God's trust is that He gives me Himself as a Baby. God expects my personal life to be a 'Bethlehem.' "

Oswald's devotion helps me trust more, reading Proverbs everyday, John 14-17 once a month, and other parts of the Bible all help me believe more in the miracle of God living in me. My hunger levels go down as I drink from the right well (John 4). Prayer, praying for others, worship in music and out in nature, running, cycling, being with friends, going to church, serving, tithing . . . , all of these are gifts that help me believe I'm God's personal Bethlehem. Who best will define your identity today?

Take time to look up the following verses using Bible Gateway's portal:

Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 9:10, Ps. 18:19; 23; 30:11, 31:20; 32;8; 33:17; 36:1,5; 37:7;39:7;51:7;63:1-6; 89:8;113:6-8; 139 (all), Isaiah 44:22; 43:1-7.


Anonymous said...

I love the pico-second (ps). The length of time it takes for light to move 1 mm is 3.3 ps's. How many ps's is someone over 50? My calculator exploded.

Our hearts and situations can change in just 1 ps (as you stated). It can be just 1 ps for our heart and mind to accept a temptation or turn from it.

Slow down. Count to ten (for you math impaired that is lots of pico-seconds). Think briefly what Christ would do. Think what He would want you to do. You may still stumble, but I'm guessing way less often. Thanks again Bruce.

Anonymous said...

I often tell couples I'm sharing with regarding the "10 second time out rule" make sure you're reviewing the mis-beliefs or truths you were tempted to buy into while your counting.

What IS Jesus doing? Will I let Him continue? Who knows best?

Great comment!