
Curbing your appetite (Temptation blogs continued)

Curbing your appetite could mean buying one of those expensive, it's been used in the jungles of Peru for thousands of years, gel capsules sold at Walgreen's or . . . how about a "wheat grass and pure maple syrup (dark ale) elixir (on scoop of protein powder, a cup of frozen blueberries, and a cap full of pure vanilla extract)?

Hunger is sometimes an addictive habit that our muscles, nerves, and memories build over time. We were made for a perfect world and hunger is a reminder that it's not all here yet. Later today I want to share some of the ways King David didn't take care of his hunger and the consequences. David learned how to use the gift of confession (I'll go over that too). . . . got to run . . . (literally) . . . back to blog soon.

God is MY shepherd (perfect being to care for all of me) and He will FILL up all my needs! Do I believe this? If I let Him, he will MAKE me lay down and take a rest in Him. Will I? It will make a huge difference in my hunger level.

Check this Bible verse out - WOW!


Anonymous said...

Right. God is my shepherd. That assumes we want to be sheep. Sheep are sometimes too dull for us. Unfortunately, we want to be our own shepherd sometimes, thinking we are somehow different from the other sheep. That wolf won't get me, we say. Little do we know that the wolf is not only waiting for us, he is constantly throwing up 'bait' in the form of whatever our temptations are.

Trust the shepherd, know your weaknesses and give your temptations up to Him, get other trusting sheep to keep an eye on you. You shall not want.

Anonymous said...

I get very confused about this "I need to be in control" idea. Your right Tony, we think we need to be the Shepherd. I put way to much stock into being captain of my ship. God created us in His image, but that creative free-choice power doesn't stop us from being friends and playing together as a team (family). Hunger seems to grow when I don't have a trust that there are those who really will be there for me! Commitment is a core need that we often don't have enough of in our lives. We've felt abandonment so our hunger drives us to build up false relationships with things and use people so we won't be hurt and abandoned again. Seeing God as the ultimate "Good Shepherd" means we know He will never "leave or abandon us."

Thanks again for your insight. Have a great day. Bruce