
30 Day Wisdom Challenge is complete Proverbs 27

It all started on January 30th - that's 30 days ago. I had told several friends about a great book that literally turned a guy's life upside down and he attributes it to reading a chapter from King Solomon's book every day. Some of these friends accepted the challenge. I took the challenge to blog on a wisdom saying every day.

How did you do in our challenge? Did you do more than 20 days? (Here's the first day challenge.) More than 10? More than 2? The important question: How did you see God more clearly IN your life?
Did you see God doing some remodeling, redecorating, surgery in your life? Do you have a favorite proverb? Did one fit perfectly into a situation you were in? Any favorite pictures from my post? I'd love to hear from you.

Before I share the wisdom saying for today, I'd like to challenge you to read this amazing promise and then ask yourself, "Honestly, do I really believe this to be true?" In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, it says: Scripture has God's breath on it. It's not man-made! It will reveal stuff that hurts us and helps us and will fully equip us for all that God has already dreamed of doing through us (Bruce Avery paraphrase). Wow! Do you really believe this? Try reading it in three different versions - right now! Practice filling your life with God's words!

Wisdom saying for February 28:

Proverbs 28:1: "The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions."

Hallucinations are common among evil people (Adolf Hitler, Jozef Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Ismail Enver, Mao Ze-Dong and Kim Il Sung). Many murderers want to be caught. Holding evil inside is like drinking acid.

Look into the eyes of a small child who has done something they know to be wrong. Their whole face betrays them. When I'm following my plan I often see ghosts chasing me. Do you need more courage today? Do a quick inventory. Whose plan are you following? Do you have some thought or act that you know was harmful but you've not owned up to it? Do you have a friend you can share this with?

Honorable mention: Verses 13, 20, and 27 (wow).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bruce, I have enjoyed reading your 30 Day Wisdom Challenge over the past few weeks. It has been the first thing I check every morning when I turn on the computer and often the last thing before I switch it off each night. Wish I could say that I was changed, not just entertained and enlightened, by your insights, anecdotes, examples and fine use of verses in Proverbs and other Books. But as always I am only "almost pursuaded". It's my problem though, not your's or His. Perhaps, to paraphrase an old Mickey Gilley song, "I'm simply looking/listening for God in all the wrong places". Sad song, both then and now.

Proverbs 28:1? I certainly have never been Godly or bold as a lion. But I never ran much either. In fact I suppose I welcomed my personal demons/ghosts as one would old and familiar friends. The more the merrier when your mind is living in Crazy Town. But like the house guests that have far overstayed their welcome it's time for them to go. Unfortunately, darn if I can't seem to imagine life without them anymore. Perhaps I just prefer the familiar ghosts I understand to a foreign God I find unfathomable. Bad friends I can at least feel over a great Friend whose touch is fleeting at best.

Questions without answers. Or at least answers that I seem willing or able to accept. Bruce, thank-you for casting your pearls before this goofy swine. But I fear there is no rest for the wicked or peace for the terminally confused. Maybe I should just try to hook up with that whole Hindu vibe and hope it all just goes better in my next life. It would be just my karma though to come back as something like a dungbeetle. Although at least that will be a job I have extensive experience with...

Best wishes for you this weekend and your presentation on Prayer. So let it be written, so let it be done.