
Prayer Thought & Wisdom passage

Wisdom: Proverbs 26 - Honorable mention: verses 4, 9, and 11. How would you write (internalize) these golden wisdom nuggets into your life? Have you had any "verse 11" experiences this month?

Today's Wise Guy thought: Verse 12 - "There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise."

Prayer thoughts (Check out my challenge for this coming weekend):

What mistruths about God and prayer keep you from using this amazing gift as God intended? Check out this unbelievable blank check from God. Be honest, do you really believe what God is saying to you in these verses? Why?

I would love to hear from you regarding any thoughts you have on prayer. I'd like to hear if you have an "unanswered prayer" that bothers you a lot (feel free to use the voice mail button at the top, right side of my blog page or email me at brucea@livinghopechurch.com).


Anonymous said...

Have I ever had any unanswered prayers? Most, I suppose. But I finally learned how to solve that disappointment. I quite praying. Sure enough, that fixed the problem immediately. Ask not and you'll never have to worry about receiving not either.

Although that leads to a greater question, what exactly IS prayer and can we ever REALLY stop doing it? In spite of our anger and feelings of abandonment, is a quick almost fleeting thought about why, when, and where, a tiny question to God that is actually a prayer? A thought that is almost so subliminal that we're hardly aware we're even thinking it? Is even open spoken disappointment and disallusionment with God a not so secret call for his help? Some sort of sad attempt at reverse psychology by us on the Being who created the mind itself? Unprayer as a practice?

I have so many questions about why God seems to listen to some so intently and ignore others so completely. Yes, I'm aware of the many texts that caution us that we don't "know the mind of God" but words are of little consolation when we so desire a little action. Or at least tangible answers. Are we just supposed to believe that no answer (at least that we can discern with our limited intellect and abilities) IS the answer and take some sort of confused comfort in that? Accept the long view that "it will all be clear when we reach heaven", while in the mean time our house seems to be burning to the ground? Sorry, that's a bitter pill to swallow for most humans.

A friend will not remain your friend if they never answer your phone calls, emails, letters, and the occasional tormented screams into the darkness of the frigid night air. I realize that God is so much more than a mere friend, but shouldn't He at least be that?

Good luck, Bruce, as you prepare for your sermon this week on speaking and listening to God. I know you understand prayer well and will be able to present it in a way that will help others treasure it even more. Sadly, I guess I don't which means I suppose I won't...

Anonymous said...

Dear Agrippa,

If you look at History Agrippa was hated by the Jews because of his sick affair with his own sister. And yet Paul doesn't blink an eye at inviting him to fall in love with Jesus. I'm suspecting you used the name to refer to the famous "Almost you have persuaded me" comment.

I've read you comment and for right now want to say:
1) I love honesty!
2) Thank you for feeling comfortable sharing on a real and deeper level (I suspect that God get very sleepy over all those pseudo "religious" words we can so easily use -Kind of like the Albertson's greeting, "How are you today?"

I'll give some more thought and perhaps even blog about it later this afternoon. Thanks again for commenting. I think your ideas about the fact we're always in "some kind of conversation" is right on. Our whole physical being is made to communicate. Goldman, up at UW, has done some amazing 30 yr. studies on the subconscious levels at which we show contempt (a very strong form of communication).
More later.