
Prayer Questions

I'm speaking live at our Portland campus this weekend, Sunday 10 am, and I would love to have you come share this experience with me. It's easy to forward this blog to a friend using the little white email box at the bottom of this blog.

All this week I'll be posting questions and thoughts on prayer (I'm still doing my 30 day Wisdom Challenge). Pray for me, send me your personal experiences (brucea@livinghopechurch.com), ideas, and creative thoughts -maybe I'll use one of them this weekend.


What don't you pray about during the day? Why? Was there a time when you should have prayed this week and you didn't? What kept you from this?

F.B. Meyer "The greatest tragedy in life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer."

Philip Yancy wrote a book called, The Bible Jesus Read. In it, Yancy talks about how he takes weekly "anger walks." He takes these walks on the hill behind his home. Like King David, in the Psalms, he talks to God about what ticks him off: people who have wronged him, stressful situations, just cruddy stuff from that week. Philip talks about how healing this is: "Usually I come away feeling as if I just released a huge burden. The unfairness no longer sticks like a thorn inside me, as it once did; I have expressed it aloud to someone -to God."

Have you ever taken an "Anger Walk" with God?

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