
Wisdom for the 12th

My pick for today: Proverbs 12:18 "Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing."

When I was thirteen I heard my dad criticize the preacher where we went to church. I will never forget it. My dad almost never spoke negative words about anyone. We were driving home from church. I had received my weekly quota of guilt. Church was boring, irrelevant and full of reminders of how much I had screwed up that week.

My dad told me that when the preacher made "funny" remarks from the stage about his wife that were a put-down that it was wrong and did great harm. "Never, in public, speak words that put your wife down." Those words have stuck with me.

My father showed unearthly love towards my mother his entire life. These words are power and wise, "some people . . . cutting remarks, but . . . ." You get to choose today; wise words bring healing.

Today I'll be with Pastor John and about 700 pastors in Portland. Do you think pastors need to hear words of healing? Can you think of anyone who wouldn't? You have wonderful opportunities today, take hold and become a healer.

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