
Proverbs 16 - What should I do?

Today's wisdom pick: Proverbs 16:25: "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death."

Solomon sees this as the KEY foundation in receiving God's wisdom: This is the open-heart-learning-attitude we must have - read it in 14:12 and 21:2.

Here's a few verses that are linked in that they all use the Hebrew word path (way): Prov. 1:15, 31; 3:6; 4:6.

Following God's path means letting God's BEST filter down into every core belief, every emotional core, into every part of our life. The Hebrew word for way (path) come from the idea of treading wheat or grapes. It's a repeated action done over and over until it's automatic (like walking).

This thought is lodged in my brain: Every moment of every day there are always at least two choices I can make. And it's likely that one of those choices, if followed to it's conclusion, would end in death. Wow, I have a thought I could embrace right now that if hung onto would destroy my friendship with someone. There's a choice I could make at this very moment that would build into someone's life in a wonderful way!

You and I are created in God's image - Our choices count (Gordon and I did a killer chest workout on Thursday . . . my free choice did make a difference . . . so sore.)!

SO it might be a good idea to practice our listening skills. Listening to God regarding every choice we have before us is a great idea! I plan to do it more!

Want to go back to the first day of our 30 day challenge (go)?

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