
Proverbs 10 - ONE of God's greatest gifts!

I watched about fifteen minutes of a movie on TV last night (I don't know the name of the movie but Julia Roberts was the lead). It was one of those movies I hate - a woman running from an abusive husband. Because of what I've seen done to very close friends, it made me feel sick inside. In the past 28 years I've seen so many lives horribly hurt by abuse. The power of words to destroy or give life is far greater than most, maybe all, of us will ever know.

It's not a matter of personality or the environment you were raised in. We were built by God to grow deep, meaningful relationships through the use of our words. All of our senses are designed first for relational growth, then for survival. The sense of hearing is the first one to function when we're born and the last one to leave us when we die.

We are a very visual society today, I'm really visually-oriented. But some scientists would argue that our sense of hearing has a bigger impact on our being than any of the other five senses. Our moods, our release of endorphins, our bonding, sense of closeness, levels of hope, all are affected by this powerful sense. Hearing is one of God's greatest gifts. In light of this, check out my favorite verse for today:

Proverbs 10:11
The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.

Leonard Sweet is this very cool professor and writer who has influenced me a lot in this area of how "sound" so touches our lives. Check out what he has to say.

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