
You decided to go with # 2

So you may say I'm too lazy to decide for myself, but that's ok. Here's my thoughts on choice #2 (Jump to the blog that kicked this off - check out the 600 comments made by "one" crazy friend (some of them are very funny).

Prov. 20:4: "If you are too lazy to plow in the right season, you will have no food at the harvest."

I think farming is very boring work. (I ran a combine one summer and oh what a wretched job - this was pre-stereo in the rig days.) But if you don't plow, prep the soil, the chances are strong that you'll get so little at harvest time. (My grandpa used to say, "Noth'n times noth'n is still noth'n; translated, OxO = O.) So here's the point:

Unless you have a team, friends, to encourage and help you, it's very likely you'll not be preparing for what you really want in life!

What Bruce wants: 1) Forever friendships. 2) To plant hope-filled environments that will outlast my body (a legacy). 3) To help grow dynamic, healthy groups of people (the church) that are a safe place for lonely, lost, and limp-along-beat-up people to find healing and forever hope. 4) To trust God's amazingly "always good" plan over mine. 5) To continue growing my love story with Laura until it's so incredible that David Letterman and Oprah have a bidding war to see who gets to have us on their show (to talk about true love). 6) To shoot an 82 in 18 holes of golf when I turn 82. 7) To beat the bottoms off some kids (ages 20-30) on my road bike when I'm 67 years old. 8) To beat my youngest son at least once in chess.

How bad does Bruce want all this? The answer is reflected in how much I invest every day in the "plowing" and "sowing." You've heard someone say, "Practice makes perfect". My oldest son disagrees and instead parrots the words, "Perfect practice makes perfect".

So how much are you investing right now in what you want to be reality in the future? Do you want to have very powerful trust in God? Do you want to be free of certain habits or addictions? Do you envision a relationship being rich and rewarding? Do you wish to touch people with Jesus' love? How are you plowing right now?

There is something that is God's gift given to you - it's right now, and it's the perfect season to invest in - DO IT NOW. Later is too late. What if 10 times tomorrow your PDA or phone rang to remind you to stop and look for that "right season" to invest in? Did you miss a planting moment today? God might just give you another day. Smile, roll up your sleeves, and GO FOR IT!

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