
Day 5 (PROOF that the challenge is worth it.) WISDOM

How are U doing? Have you taken the 30-day challenge yet? Proverbs 3 is an amazing collection of GOD'S wisdom (If you haven't started this challenge and want to check out my first blog - HERE's the ticket!).

BEFORE I share today's pick, here are those verses that made my honorable mention list: Prov. 3:9 (Laura & I have tried to practice this for 33+ years - This is such wisdom when it come to $$), verse 21-24 (there's an amazing story about St. Patrick that this passage reminds me of . . . remind me to tell you how his best sermons were given when he was asleep), verse 27 is for Tiffany. Verse 30 is HUGE! We can accuse and judge others just by listening to gossip . . . forming a final opinion when you've never listened to another side of the story is evil . . . what stories have you listened to this week? From friends? From TV? Have you already made up your mind?

NOW, TODAYS PICK- Proverbs 3:1-3 "My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. 2 for they will give you a long and satisfying life. 3 Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart." (The message Bible, NASB)

  • Store This is one of GOD'S "top priorities" for my life; to store up His wisdom! When do I fit in this practice- just before I go to bed; if I'm not too tired? Do I have a team of friends who cheer me on in my daily "storage" practice?
  • Never forget the things I have taught you: When I read I usually substitute "plan" or "way" for the word "law" in the Bible. The English word "law" has always messed with my mind in a negative way. Using the word "plan" is what the Hebrew word means. In Hebrew it used as, "to instruct" - from the root "to throw, shoot, or point out." Do you want to really "get the point?" What shoots straight through to the heart is what really teaches you. "Don't forget God's plan which He is teaching you." Law = God's way (which is always good). I want God's way over mine!
  • To explore this word "law" a bit more Check out Psalms 4o (Oh WOW!) Verses 6-8 "You take no delight in sacrifices or offerings. Now that you have made me listen, I finally understand — you don’t require burnt offerings or sin offerings. 7 Then I said, “Look, I have come. As is written about me in the Scriptures: 8 I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your law is written on my heart.” God's smile (Heb. "delight" - to "desire, pleasure" - root = to be pleased"), what pleases Him most is not our "human doing", our good behavior; what gives God the biggest smile is when we "desire" (same word used re. God) to have God "engrave" His amazing "plan" on our hearts! What plan beats strongest in your heart right now? God's inviting you to smile with Him this very moment!

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