
My Valentines (so far) . . .

Please don't give me that "I hate the commercialism" song when it comes to Valentines . . . . Take advantage of every opportunity to say in as many way as possible, "YOU COUNT A LOT!"

Single, not dating? You can at least send a picture to someone. I've even put one here for you to copy (for free) .

This year Laura will get a "small" surprise after she's finished her 12 hr. shift in ICU. Our real Valentine's is a getaway this Sunday afternoon. It starts with a new restaurant that is supposed to have some incredible hors d'oeuvres! The view should be so fun (I'll tell you the name after we try it). Then we're off to these very cool cabins, hidden in the middle of nowhere. They have gas fireplaces, cool jetted tubs and so much more . . . I raided QFC, Target, and Freddy's and have some great decorating surprises. . . YOU SEE, whenever you plan a lot for something, you usually reinforce the value of that memory, that person. Laura and I have done quarterly overnight dates for several hundred years.

Tonight is low key as Laura will be very tired. We've got a movie planned (at home), and I've got some cool stuff to surprise her with when I pick her up (the card I got her this year is to die for). Laura loves dark chocolate (guys, don't buy the cheap heart candy stuff), so I'm very excited about that. It'll be a quiet, romantic night in our family room.

So, why am I sharing this? Because I only have "now" and Laura is so important in my life that I can't imagine not taking every advantage! What about you? Do you have someone God has given you to cherish, be best friends with, fall more in love with every day? If your answer is yes, then don't let your personality, childhood, or your own "I'm used to doing life this way" attitude stop you. Stretch more, give more, use every means you can to say to those you love, "Wow, you are such an amazing gift from God." Use things as props to add to what really counts - our forever friendships.

Are you doing something fun? Let me know. Tell me about some unusual places, new foods, or experiences in the Portland area.

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